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Warning to Occur on the Heels of Major Church Synod

David Martin | The Daily Knight

Prophecy has it that there is to come upon humanity an explosive worldwide Warning during which every person living will hear the voice of God speaking from within. According to the prophecies of 1 Garabandal this cataclysm will occur on the heels of a major Church synod.

In 1965, Conchita Gonzales, the principal seer of Garabandal relayed this to Mother Nieves Garcia, who was a close friend of Conchita.

The Warning will halt the satanic plan to now bring about a one-world government and religion. This plan is presently being advanced through the channels of the Church and through the present “Synod on Synodality” that ends on October 24, 2024.

Objective of the Synod

The key objective of the Synod is to ecumenically unite the Catholic Church with the world and with other world religions. Some anticipate that before the close of the Synod a proclamation will be made that the Church is now fully merged with other faiths. The time indeed may be approaching when the ecumenical celebrations of peace and unity will resound throughout the world.

If that happens, take cover, for Holy Scripture has already forewarned of what will occur shortly thereupon.

“For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.” (1 Thess. 5:3)

In the prophecies of Bayside, it states:

“The OWL (One World Leaders) has eyes fore and aft, ever watching the eagle (the U.S). When the world cries peace, then shall he strike.” (June 18, 1993)

This attack is in reference to a period of revolution and war that is coming to the U.S. and Europe, which will be our cue that the Warning is about to happen. The historic 2024 presidential election could very well be the button that sets the chaos into motion.

If the Warning in fact occurs in the near future it will fulfill the Garabandal prophecy that the Warning would occur soon after a synod. While it is called a synod, the present assembly in Rome is really a council, which ties with Conchita’s words to Mother Garcia that the synod prophesied by Our Lady could also be described as a “small council.”

Synodal Outcome Already Predetermined

The word “synod” normally signifies an assembly of prelates and delegates where a vote is taken to determine a course of action ahead, whereas the outcome of the present Synod has already been predetermined by a clique of clerical LGBT dictators who now aim to completely secularize the Church. The present convergence of clamoring lay delegates at the Vatican was deliberately arranged by the Vatican to give the Synod an air of fairness and democracy.

Hence the word “synod” is being used to conceal the ironclad control of this assembly, for which reason the media is not being allowed to report on the Synod. This is done to prevent interference with their plan—a plan that no doubt will formally dignify other religions, homosexuality, and women deacons.

It makes perfect sense then that the Warning would follow the Synod seeing that the purpose of the Synod is to destroy the Catholic Church, which Christ will never allow (Matthew 16-18). The Warning will come as a rude awakening and punishment for Rome’s daring attempts to merge the Church with the world and with other faiths. The Church’s post-conciliar “dialogue” with other religions has slowly led to this point.

Christ Never Dialogued

However, the Synod fathers should know that Christ our Founder and Teacher never once dialogued with the people but rather taught and corrected them. It is this very mission of instruction that Christ enjoined upon his representatives in the priesthood. Just prior to his Ascension into Heaven, Jesus left his Apostles with this command:

“Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” (Mt. 28: 19, 20)

The “consummation of the world” is the next major world event that follows the Warning. During this intervention God will give every person living the opportunity to amend his path before Christ returns as Just Judge to “render to every man according to his works.” (Mt. 16: 27)

Intervention to Fall Hard on the Proud

This intervention will bring great consternation and terror upon our modernist prelates since it will mean having to admit that their teachings and procedures of the past sixty years have been wrong. The idea of having to dump innovation and return to pre-Vatican II practice will stop the hearts of some. It appears that the Synod on Synodality is the “last straw” that is provoking God’s action with the Warning.

And this makes perfect sense since the Synod is advancing heresy, homosexuality, and feminism, all of which are condemned from On High. All three of these issues have been building over time and are coming to a head with the Synod.

Feminism a Key Issue

At present, Francis is doubling down on his insistence that women in the Church stand at parity with men, which is perverse. The man is always the head of the household, whether at home, in society, or in the Church (1 Tim. 2:12, 1 Cor. 14:34) His latest rhetoric about ‘no priestly ordination for women’ is only serving to conceal his plan to empower women to lecture the priests, hold retreats, appoint bishops, and administer Communion, all of which are priestly functions.

Have Francis and the Synod fathers forgotten the teachings of St. Paul concerning the role of women in the Church?

“Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject.” (1 Corinthians 14: 34)

An Eerie Preview?

Eerily, the sun ejected a huge solar flare directly towards the earth on October 3, which is expected to bring a geomagnetic storm our way beginning October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. As we know, Pope Francis named himself after the saint, which is eerie.

Is it any accident that the huge solar explosion will bring about unusual aurora borealis displays in the heavens on St. Francis’ feast day?


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