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VOTE NOW for the American President


St Michael's World Apostolate

Statement on the Presidential Election

Most Americans can agree on two things: We are a nation greatly divided and we are at a historic crossroads with the monumental Presidential Election this week (Tues. Nov. 5) deciding which path we go.

As we celebrate the magnificent feast of Christ the King (traditional) and its octave, we are, sadly and tragically, closer right now to the reign of Antichrist than to the rule of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords: “The state of your world is capitulating now to all of the forces of the octopus [of evil] that will seek to bring about a one-world religion and a one-world government under a supreme dictator of evil.” (Our Lady, March 18, 1978)

However, there is always hope and the belief in the indomitable spirit of faithful Americans.

The fact is, we have the choice of two candidates whose policies and positions couldn’t be more stark. We have the one who gives us a fighting chance to regain our spiritual footing, halt, or at least slow the advance of Antichrist and represents some semblance of the reign of Christ the King. Our freedom to worship and practice of religion would be ensured.

While with the other, it’s full throttle towards the reign of Antichrist. The freedom to worship and the practice of religion would be seriously threatened or hampered.

This all underscores the moral imperative that you perform your civic duty and vote. You can’t sit this one out. There’s too much at stake. It would not be an exaggeration to state that our nation, the land of the free and home of the brave, may no longer exist if the wrong person is elected.

To be clear, we are not telling you who to vote for. That’s your vote, your conscience. But we are reminding you of your grave duty to vote and the principles and conditions that should guide your vote.

For example, all the recent Popes have declared that the life issue is “foundational, paramount, and the bedrock” for any successful and ordered society. Once again, the one candidate gives a far greater chance for a baby (and senior) to see the light of day than the other who proudly stands for unlimited abortion until birth.

You have heard it said many times, we are living in an imperfect world, so you will certainly not find a perfect candidate. As Cardinal Burke wisely expressed recently, you are not voting for the iniquitous agenda, but the ray of hope that the candidate offers.

The bottom line is we are in the midst of an epic spiritual battle—Heaven calls it Armageddon—Jesus, Mary and St. Michael against Lucifer and his dastardly crew. We can’t afford to blow this opportunity or we’ll be plunged into greater darkness and chaos.

Let us invoke the powerful Our Lady of the Roses, especially at Her glorious Shrine, and the Greatest Warrior that the right person is elected—the one who truly loves and cares for America and, even more importantly, acknowledges and respects the Eternal Father.

If we succeed in this election, it gives us a chance for a little sunshine and optimism, that with prayer and charitable works the lofty patriotic hymn, America the Beautiful, will ring true again.

After all, Hope springs eternal.



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