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Vatican Cancels Three Anti-Islamic Papal Bulls

The Daily Knight

David Martin |The Daily Knight

The Vatican has "abrogated" three papal bulls, claiming that the documents are offensive to indigenous peoples and "have never been considered expressions of the Catholic faith."

The bulls Dum Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493) contain the basis for the "doctrine of discovery," which "is not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church," the Vatican has announced.

For obvious reasons, the abrogation of the three documents is null and void since these documents are irrevocable. The documents perfectly reflect Church teaching and any attempt to abrogate them constitutes an act of treason against the Church. What Francis is doing is catering to Islam and to things indigenous, not to things eternal.

A joint statement issued on March 30 by the Vatican dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development, said: "The Church acknowledges that these papal bulls did not adequately reflect the equal dignity and rights of indigenous peoples."

Not so. The Church has always acknowledged the equal dignity and rights of all peoples while denouncing pagan culture that oppresses them. The Church issued these documents to protect all peoples from the barbarism of pagan culture, unlike Francis who goes out of his way to expose the faithful to the poison of indigenous idol worship, e.g. Pachamama, Mayan gods.

The Vatican dicasteries quoted Pope Francis' words endorsing the repeal of the bulls: "Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others, or that it is legitimate to employ ways of coercing others."

The Church is a Divine Culture

Unfortunately, Francis has forgotten that Christianity is superior to every form of culture, especially murderous pagan cultures like Islam or those of the Amazon. The Church is a divine culture and its mission is to cleanse the earth of pagan culture through conversion so that all people can be saved. What Francis has done is to dignify paganism and to equate the Church with it. Yea, he has denied Catholic Dogma as professed by the true popes:

"There is one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is neither salvation, nor remission of sins" – Unam Sanctam, Papal Bull of Boniface VIII

Appeasing Islam

The following is taken from Church Militant.

Top Islamic scholars told Church Militant that the Vatican had annulled the bulls not so much because of their purported defense of colonialism and slavery but because the documents were offensive to Islam and an obstacle to ongoing dialogue.

"The revocation of these bulls is likely the result of Francis' ongoing 'dialogue' with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayeb," Robert Spencer, Islamic scholar and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades), told Church Militant.

"That 'dialogue' only resumed, after al-Tayeb broke it off during the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI, when Francis agreed not to criticize Islam or speak out against Muslim persecution of Christians. Al-Tayeb, meanwhile, made no similar concessions. The 'dialogue' is entirely one-sided," Spencer noted.

"The public repudiation of these long-forgotten documents is intended to buttress the pope's efforts to engage Islamic groups in this dialogue, which results only in the issuance of soothing falsehoods and will not prevent a single Christian from Muslim persecution," Spencer added.

"By spinning and condemning these bulls as 'xenophobic' calls to justify slavery, it seems that the Vatican is really, as usual, trying to appease Islam, in keeping with Pope Francis's and Grand Imam al-Tayeb's 'rapprochement' — which continues to be one way," Islamic historian Raymond Ibrahim told Church Militant.

"The above-referenced bulls were primarily focused on neutralizing Muslim powers that were otherwise creating mass havoc from one end of Christendom to the other," Ibrahim argued.

Just Wars

Dum Diversas was issued the same year (1452) that Sultan Muhammad II laid siege to Constantinople, leading to its brutal fall in 1453. At the same time, Muslims from North Africa were terrorizing the Iberian Peninsula and the broader Mediterranean through constant and devastating slave raids. Thus, whether in Christendom's furthest east (Constantinople) or west (Iberia), Muslims were massacring and enslaving countless Christians.

Ibrahim said that the bulls "were designed to inspire Europeans to rise up and defend Christendom against Muslims — to 'restrain the savage excesses of the Saracens and of other infidels, enemies of the Christian name,' to quote from the Romanus Pontifex."

Rome Lies about the Document

In a statement to the United Nations Ninth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in April 2010, the Vatican lied is saying that it had abrogated the bull Inter Caetera as early as 1494.

"The bull Inter Caetera is a historic remnant with no juridical, moral or doctrinal value," the statement said. "The Holy See confirms that Inter Caetera has already been abrogated and considers it without any legal or doctrinal value."

Inter Caetera condemned "the perfidious enemies of the Cross, especially the Saracens and all the other infidels" and ordered the excommunication of those who sent the Muslims "weapons and other things prohibited by the law."

It authorized King Alfonso of Portugal to "invade, conquer, defeat and subjugate all Saracens and pagans and other enemies of Christ" and to "enslave their persons perpetually" and seize their possessions for profit.

Pope Nicholas V ends the bull with a warning that no one may "infringe or rashly contradict his decree. ... But if anyone does attempt this, let him know that he will incur the indignation of almighty God and His blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."

In Dum Diversas, Nicholas V commends Alfonso for intending "to subjugate the enemies of Christ, i.e. the Saracens, and bring them back to the faith of Christ with a mighty hand," noting that "the authority of the Apostolic See supports you in this."

Dum Diversas ends with a similar proscription:

It is therefore permissible for no man to diminish this page of our concession, reparation, will, indult and decree, or oppose it with rash initiative. If anyone dares to attack her, let him know that he is about to incur the wrath of Almighty God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

The Bottom Line

What it boils down to is that Francis is ashamed to confess the Faith before man but rather apologizes for it even to the point of “repudiating” sacred Church documents that were intended to protect the faithful from the savagery of Islam. Clearly, his friendship with Islam and indigenous religions means more to him than his friendship with God, and then he turns around and calls it “mercy.” The Son of Man is once again “betrayed with a kiss.”

His cancelling of the papal bulls is nothing more than a pontifical bow to violence and reflects an overall attempt to cancel Catholicism and dignify pagan religion. What next, will he cancel Humanae Vitae? Or maybe Quo Primum which mandated the perpetual offering of the Traditional Latin Mass? Is he warming up to something?

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