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Trump’s Would-Be Assassin was in Touch with Secret Service before Assassination Attempt


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Assassin Thomas Crooks’ Connections

It appears that the Secret Service colluded in the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. They failed to provide protection for him at the July 13 rally where Trump was fired at by would-be-assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks. They let Crooks and another suspect into the rally and did nothing to stop them. It was only after Crooks shot at Trump that a Secret Service agent was told to kill him apparently to prevent him from revealing his connections to authorities.


However, his connections have surfaced through the tracking efforts of Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. At least nine tracked devices were linked to Crooks’ home and place of work. On July 22, Oversight Project tweeted (on X):


“We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates.


“To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both Crook’s home and place of work and followed them.”

One X user described as a “retired Army case officer” noted that the user of the DC – linked device, who “regularly visited” both Crooks’ home and workplace had also visited a location in Gallery Place just “1.5 blocks from Secret Service HQ.”

Gallery Place is located very close to FBI headquarters and also near the D.C. FBI field office.

“If you worked at SS and were going to meet someone in DC, those couple of locations on the map are some of the closest commercial locations to SSHQ (restaurants/etc),” the X user observed.

According to a travel site, Gallery Place includes “business, shopping, dining, entertainment and condominiums all under one roof.” Former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin told Blaze News, “It is the closest (location) off-site that I’m aware of to the Washington [FBI’s D.C.] field office.”

Seraphim added:

“Agents are assigned to Washington field, but they work out of Gallery Place.”

Gallery Place then is a regular meeting place for FBI and SS agents to discuss their plans. The user of the DC – linked device who “regularly visited” Crooks’ home and workplace had also visited Gallery Place.

According to the Oversight Project X account, the Heritage Foundation Project found that one device “linked to Crooks’ work” in Bethel Park, PA traveled to Butler, PA where the assassination attempt on Trump was made. The device “traveled to Butler, PA on July 4th and July 8th,” with all activity stopping on July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

Western Journal also reported that this device “stopped at a Home Depot in Butler where Crooks has been reported to have purchased a ladder.” This seemingly is the ladder Crooks used to climb onto the roof at the rally where he lay hidden with his semi-automatic rifle pointed at Trump.

Tracked Crooks Device Had Visited Gun Store

On August 30, 2023, one device linked to Crooks also visited Allegheny Arms, a gun store in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. At 10:57 am on July 22, Oversight Project tweeted:

“On August 30, 2023, one device linked to Crooks visited Allegheny Arms.”

From the foregoing, we can infer that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was no spontaneous haphazard but was the result of a well-orchestrated plan to eliminate him. The device (cell phone) linked to Crooks visited the gun shop on August 30, 2023, almost a year before Crooks tried to assassinate Trump.

According to the SS agent that killed the assassin, he was prevented from taking out the perpetrator until Trump was first shot at.

“I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perp.” The agent said the director “prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump.”

It appears he is referring to Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle who on July 23 announced her decision to resign, apparently to get out of the radar after her failure to protect Trump at the July 13 rally.


Secret Service Warns Trump not to Hold More Campaign Rallies


The U.S. Secret Service at the behest of the socialist “Deep State” is now warning Donald Trump not to hold large campaign rallies to drum up support for his election. Under the pretext of protecting Trump the SS is attempting to prevent his victory in November.


This only adds to suspicions of foul play and is all the more reason to launch a thorough investigation into the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. 

On July 23, LifeSiteNews reported:

The Oversight Project is calling for a special commission, “comprised of external experts” in law enforcement, national security, and intelligence to “conduct a prompt and serious investigation” into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump because the Project deems Congress incapable of a proper investigation.

“The record of this Congress reveals they lack the political will, resources, technical ability, and legal acumen to conduct such an investigation,” the project’s X account wrote, noting that this has been demonstrated in “the Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden, and in attempts to hold Garland, Blinken, and Wray accountable for flouting Congressional subpoenas.”

The July 13 attempt on Trump’s life bears the fingerprints of the socialist deep state that has wanted Trump out from the beginning so an intensive investigation with heightened security must be undertaken to ensure that Kamala and her deep state cronies don’t succeed in their plan to remove Trump.


1 commentaire

Paulo Elliot
Paulo Elliot
01 août 2024

Yes, Kamala wants Trump dead. She is wholly committed to the murder of unborn and born babies and of the elderly. She is a communist as is her father who taught Marxism at Stanford.

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