Trump Defeats Harris in a Resounding Victory
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Donald Trump triumphantly returns to the White House in January following his sweeping victory over Kamala Harris that brought him 312 electoral votes over Kamala’s 226. Electoral fraud was suspected in areas like California and New York but it wasn’t enough to put a dent in Trump’s victory, which calls to mind Trump’s campaign slogan that we make this election “too big to rig.”
As of November 10, Trump received 74,783,561 votes over Kamala’s 71,187,165 making it the first time since 2004 that a Republican candidate has received more popular votes than the Democrat rival.
Alarmingly, the election recruited an unusually high number of Hispanic voters to Trump’s side, which should come as no surprise seeing that so many hard-working Hispanics lost assets and even their livelihood because of Biden-Kamala’s reckless and merciless administration of destroying jobs, giving $billions to the Communists, and filling the pockets of migrant freeloaders. The past four years have given the American people a good chance to observe Biden and Kamala and how they have turned our cities into dumps infested with thieves, murderers, prostitutes, LGBT predators, and migrant intruders who eat people’s pets.
In her concession speech on Wednesday, Kamala told supporters to "never give up" fighting for their ideals.
What she was saying is that they should:
# Continue to fight for the murder of the unborn and the elderly
# Continue to open our borders to migrant intruders armed with weapons
# Continue efforts to yield up America’s sovereignty to U.N. despots
# Continue to fight for LGBT sex-predators and their spread of sodomy
# Continue to oppose Christian liberty and the right to oppose abortion
# Continue to give $billions to the Russians for the destruction of our country
# Continue to scrap the Constitution, burn the flag, and trash America
Let us not forget that Kamala Harris is an avowed Communist whose father, Donald Harris, taught Marxism at Stanford University for over three decades. Kamala was daddy’s protégé who received his instruction on how to undermine American sovereignty and liberty.
But to her great dismay, she didn’t gain the favor of women in this election despite her frantic efforts to turn them into killers and despoilers of their young. It is hoped that Trump will return to his previous fervor of defending the unborn. The fact that he now plans to restore the Mexico City Policy forbidding the use of U.S. tax dollars for abortions abroad is every reason to believe that he will continue to be a strong prolife president. It could be that his “concessions” about abortion may have just been diplomatic ploys to gain votes.
Like Reagan and JFK, Donald Trump always acts in the best interests of the American people. He not only plans to lower our taxes but is considering doing away with income tax all together and placing tariffs on imports to supply America with the needed funds to maintain its infrastructure.
The Federal Reserve
It could be that Trump might also do away with the Federal Reserve on the grounds that it is an NGO internationalist private interest group committed to destroying and controlling America. Repeat: the Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. government but is a foreign entity comprised of high members of the Illuminati who slave for the cause of subduing America under a tyrannical world government. With this, the FR is Marxist.
In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson had faced imprisonment for personal crimes so these internationalists approached him with the promise that they would keep him out of jail if he would set up the Federal Reserve and put it in charge of our nation’s finances.
Hence the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was enacted. The FR today is notorious for embezzling our tax money for the funding of criminal interests like abortion, LGBT agenda, climate action, and the strengthening of Communist countries like Russia and China. Hopefully, Trump will at least place the Federal Reserve under the jurisdiction of the [true] federal government if it must continue to exist.