Traditional Carmelite Nuns Discuss Why it's Crucial to Go to Holy Mass!
Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight
We asked the Traditional Carmelite Community of Nuns in Ireland, called the Hermitage of the Holy Face, eight important questions every Catholic should know and should be able to answer in defense of the Holy Faith and for the Love of God. The questions on:
1. Why is it a sin to miss Mass on Sundays and holidays?
2. Why is something like this such a grave obligation?
3. What does having to go to Mass and the first commandment have to do with each other?
4. What exactly does the obligation to go to Mass require of us?
5. What are "reasonable excuses" which dispense us from this obligation?
6. How should people sanctify Sundays and Holydays when they are genuinely prevented from attending Mass? 7. Why is going to Mass so important for the Faithful soul?
8. How are we to understand the Mystery of the Mass in connection to our salvation and sanctification?
This video was published on our Youtube channel called Mass Conversions. Turning back (conversion) to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the salvation to the current crisis of today! Let us start the MASS conversions!!!
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💙 We thank the Carmelite Nuns for doing this second interview with MassConversions and pray for God to reward them with many graces! We kindly ask the viewers to help support these good nuns as Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has encouraged, (you can read his letter to the nuns here)
👉Please consider a donation to help the Carmelites build their convent here:
The Cure de Ars said: "If we truly understood the Mass we would die of joy!"
💙💙💙(This project is dedicated to the Immaculata for the revival of the Love of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)