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The Timely Revelations of Our Lady at La Salette


David Martin | The Daily Knight

One of the most persecuted Marian apparitions of Church history are those of the Blessed Virgin to the seer Melanie Calvat in La Salette, France in 1846. At that time Melanie received from Our Lady a great Secret that was to remain a secret until 1858. She first penned the Secret of La Salette in 1873, which triggered hostile persecution from the Masonically controlled bishops in France who condemned her visions.


However, the Apparition and Secret of La Salette are loaded with ecclesiastical approbation, more so than most any other Marian apparition of Church history.

Revelations Point to our Time


The approved revelations of La Salette prophesied the crisis of the last times, even stating that “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of Antichrist.” This referenced the "full massing of demons" that would converge on the Eternal City and the darkness of spirit that would hang over the Church because of it. It indeed referred to the very days in which we are living.

Contrary to rumors fabricated by infidels, the message of La Salette (short form) was approved by Pope Pius IX in 1851 after being submitted to him by the bishop of La Salette, France, where the apparitions occurred. So much did the pope endorse the message that he dissuaded the seer Melanie from becoming a nun arguing that it would take away from her mission to propagate the La Salette message far and wide. Melanie explains in her memoirs:

“His Holiness Pius IX relieved me of such vows as could not be kept in the world; he said that I couldn’t accomplish my mission in the cloister, and he granted me privileges I would never have dared ask him.”

Melanie’s integrity as a seer was evidenced by her holiness of life, as described by her last spiritual director, Fr. Rigaux, who tells it as it is: 

“In the 48 years that I’ve been a priest, I’ve known and directed some very beautiful souls. I dare state before God, who will soon judge me, that never have I encountered a soul so humble, gentle, pure, obedient, a virgin so pure, a character so strong, a victim so resigned in frightful trials, a martyr in body, bearing the stigmata from her tenderest years.”

Even so, the Masonically controlled clergy of France equated Melanie to a criminal since her revelations had convicted them of their betrayal of the Faith. Badgered beyond endurance, she fled to Italy where she earnestly sought to publish the full Secret of La Salette under the Bishop of Naples, which took place in 1879 with the stamp of imprimatur.


Moreover, Pope Leo XIII wholeheartedly approved her visions and even called Melanie to Rome to confer with her about private messages she had received concerning a religious order of the future that would be instrumental in restoring the Catholic Church. He was deeply interested in this because he saw what was coming upon the Church and was zealous to employ any remedies to hold off the coming onslaught of modernism. For this reason, he kept her in Rome for six months finalizing the details for the constitution of this new religious order. 

With this same concern, he also 1 composed the famous Prayer to St. Michael and mandated that it be said after all the low Masses, knowing that the protection of this Heavenly warrior was needed for the Church of the future.

Unfortunately, the good pope never lived to see his desired religious order, but he did everything in his power to act in the spirit of that order, even issuing his outstanding encyclical on Freemasonry on April 20, 1884, Humanum Genus, which exposed the plots of the Freemasons against the Catholic Church. The behavior they promote among our Catholic clergy is described in the following excerpt from the La Salette message, which is applicable to our time.

The priests are Asking Vengeance

“The priests, ministers of My Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests are asking vengeance, and vengeance is hanging over their heads. Woe to the priests and to those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are crucifying My Son again! The sins of those dedicated to God cry out towards Heaven and call for vengeance, and now vengeance is at their door, for there is no one left to beg mercy and forgiveness for the people. There are no more generous souls; there is no one left worthy to offer a stainless sacrifice to the Eternal for the sake of the world.                      

“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust His wrath upon them and no one will be able to escape so many afflictions together. The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence. They have become wandering stars which the old devil will drag along with his tail to make them perish.” (Apocalypse 12: 4)

While the bishops today are wasting and embezzling countless $millions on “immigration,” Church destruction, and their LGBT synodal agenda, they should use this money to print up the La Salette message and disseminate it throughout the Church. This would do more for the edification of the Church than anything else, so why isn’t this being done?


1. This was prompted by a miracle he received on October 13, 1884, wherein he heard the devil tell Christ that he would destroy His Church within a hundred years.





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