The Perfect Gift for a Merry ChristMASS!
Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Why do we call it CHRISTMAS?
"Christmas" is a shortened form of "Christ's Mass". The earliest record has it as Crīstesmæsse in 1038 A.D.
What a wonder! Christmas is not just an event of the past but Christ is born & made present at every Holy Mass!
It is our great joy & merriment to find Christ present, (Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity) at every Mass!!! In the night of the Nativity, God the Father brought His only-begotten Son for the first time into the world; but whenever Holy Mass is said, He is brought anew into the world, onto our altars, that He may sacrifice Himself for us, and impart to us the grace-filled fruits of His birth, life, death & resurrection!
Thus we join in singing the self-same song of praise which the Angels sang on Christmas morn: “Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.” (Luke 2:14).
St. Claude de la Colombiere said "MORE honor is Paid to God BY A SINGLE MASS than by all other Actions of Angels & Men."
The value of offering a single Mass is incalculable! We give God infinite praise, love, thanksgiving, and reparation. Recall the story too, of the Miracle of the Butcher’s Scales. A poor woman could not afford a piece of meat & offered to have Mass said. The unbelieving butcher said, “you go and hear Mass for me and when you come back I'll give you as much meat as the Mass is worth.” When she returned, he took a slip of paper and wrote on it "I heard a Mass for you." He then placed the paper on the scales but no matter how much meat he placed on the scales the paper always proved heavier.
What a great gift then we can offer to not only to God but to our family and friends this Christmas if we give them the gift of the Mass!
MassConversions is collecting Holy Mass Stipends for Traditional Catholic Priests who will be offering a Novena of Holy Masses ending on Christmas Day with your name or family name on the altar. Separate additional Masses could also be requested to be offered for your intentions.
If you would like to give the gift of the Holy Mass and offer a Mass Stipend, MassConversions will send a beautiful ChristMass card to you or who you direct that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for and which priest has done the offering. We will also let them know who it was that sent the gift of the Holy Mass.
We have a GiveSendGo page set up for online donations or you can write a check to “Alexandra Clark” who is transferring the Mass Stipends to the various Priests.
Please fill out the information on the back to request your Merry ChristMASS gift before the deadline of Dec.12th in order to be included in the Novena of Masses.
~Reply Form~
(copy and paste into an email, addresse to )
Dear MassConversions,
I would like to request to be added in the Novena of ChristMASSes, Below are the names of the souls I would like placed on the altar during the offering of these Holy Masses (N.B. these Masses will only be Tridentine Masses offered by Priests in good standing in Communion with the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church):
Would you like a ChristMass Card to be sent? □ Yes □ No
And if yes, please indicate to whom and where to send it:
If you would like to request any additional Masses to be offered for your direct intentions, after the Christmas Novena, please request below. I have confirmed with these priests that they are open to doing single Masses, Novena of Masses or a Gregorian Mass set for deceased loved one. If this is desired list it below:
Mass Stipends help support our good Traditional Priests greatly! The suggested amount is typically $15-25 per Mass. The faithful are free to offer whatever they can. For a set of Gregorian Masses (30 consecutive Masses for a Holy Soul in Purgatory) in USA it is usually $400-$800. For the Mass(s) Stipend, checks can be given please request the address via email to send in checks. No fees are removed for checks. One can also use the online donation pages found below, but please note that fees are removed (ex. For a $500 donation average of $30 of fees taken from the Credit Card Processor. Priests will be wired the amount that is given after the fees have been deducted). To give online go to our GiveSendGo:
Please Accept my Mass Offering of:
__$15 __$25 __$50 __ $100 __$500 or $ _______ for the Offering for the Novena of Christmas Masses.
I also want to request Additional Mass(s) so I also included
__$15 __$25 __$50 __ $100 __$500 or $ _______ for ___________________________________________
Please give the form back before the deadline of Dec. 12th Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in order to be included in Novena of Masses & receive the Christmas Card. Any additional questions please email
Mary ChristMass!!!
