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The Perón-Gelli-Francis ‘Propaganda Due’ Connection


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Perhaps the most dangerous network of Freemasons ever to have assaulted the Church is the Propaganda Due (P2) Lodge in Italy. Its members supposedly disavowed the Lodge in 1976 after its secret plans to infiltrate Church and state were leaked, but the truth is that the P2 group was never dissolved but continues as before under a different name.

Founded in 1877, the P2 Lodge continues under the Grand Orient of Italy and is active in Argentina. Far from being a mere mafia ring that involves itself with money laundering and political assassinations (which they do), the P2 is a diabolical secret society of warlocks and cultists that primarily focuses on the infiltration and subversion of the Catholic Church.  


Freemasons Believe Lucifer is God


While a cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI said that Freemasonry is the greatest danger to the Church. The purpose of the Freemasons was perfectly expressed by Albert Pike (1809-1891), the American high priest of Freemasonry in the late nineteenth century who in 1889 addressed the high members of Freemasonry in France. His speech was later reprinted on January 19, 1935, by the English journal The Freemason and was also quoted in A.C. de la Rive: La Femme et L’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, page 588. Pike said:

“To the crowd we must say: we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition…. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: all of us initiates of the high degrees should maintain the Masonic religion in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay [Christ], whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?


"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God…. Religious philosophy in its purity and truth consists in the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but Lucifer, God of light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

In 1974, a set of 34 Masonic directives for the destruction of the Catholic Church surfaced to the shock and dismay of the P2 members in Italy (see end of article for details). Issued in 1962, the guidelines have slowly been implemented since Vatican II but are quickly coming to a head now under Pope Francis. While we can’t absolutely pinpoint how the guidelines were leaked, the general consensus is that they were accidently leaked by the P2 Lodge under the notorious Licio Gelli, Grand Master of the Lodge, after which lodge members under Gelli's direction were compelled to “disavow” the lodge.


Gelli’s High Level Connections


Gelli had ties with very high-profile personalities in Italy and abroad, especially in Argentina, where he was a fugitive for many years. It was Gelli and the P2 that restored Argentine dictator Juan Perón to power in 1973, who then became a P2 initiate himself. Gelli was close personal friends with Perón who in turn granted Gelli the Gran Cruz de la Orden del Libertador in August 1974, as well as the honorary office of economic counselor in the embassy of Argentina in Italy. 


Gelli affirmed that he introduced Perón to Freemasonry and that their friendship was of key importance for Italy. "Perón was a Mason, I initiated him in Madrid in Puerta de Hierro, in June 1973," Gelli said. At Peron’s inauguration, former Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti said he “saw Perón kneel in front of Gelli.” 

It indeed is interesting that antipapal Gelli spent time in Argentina with Perón, who in turn had contact with Fr. Bergoglio who now sits at the top of the Vatican as Pope Francis. 

Gelli’s Lady Agent Speaks


Michela Scolari, an award-winning author and screen writer with a PhD in comparative studies is the sole custodian of Licio Gelli’s memoirs. Scolari knew the late Masonic Grand Master on an intimate level and through a written contract signed before his death, Gelli made Scolari the sole heir of his archives and she has spent the past three years sifting through his private archives. 

Licio Gelli, Masonic P2 Lodge Grand Master from 1976-1981


From Scolari we learn that Gelli met Cardinal Bergoglio in 1973 while in Argentina to work with Juan Perón and that Bergoglio met Gelli seven years ago at his place of residence at Villa Wanda in Porto Azzurro, Italy. One can only surmise what the two discussed!

What is interesting is that Perón was restored to power by Gelli on October 12, 1973, which was the same year that Fr. Bergoglio was made the provincial of the Jesuits in Argentina. It was Bergoglio’s position as provincial that solidified the Jesuits into what they are today—a bureaucratic monstrosity for the destruction of the Catholic Church.

Malachi Martin on the Jesuits

In his book, The Jesuits, the late Fr. Malachi Martin who was advisor to four popes points out the demonic cruelty of the Jesuits in how they persecuted Pope Paul VI, murdered Pope John Paul I, and tormented John Paul II. They eventually proceeded to oust Benedict XVI with the prospect of placing an antipope on the Chair of Peter. This was pulled off by the San Gallen Mafia, which was comprised of several Jesuits.

The Mafia’s longtime leader Cardinal Carlo Martini was a radical Jesuit and member of Italian Freemasonry. On Sept. 12, 2012, the Grand Orient of Italy issued a document stating that the late Cardinal Martini was initiated as one of its members. This same Martini was greatly admired by Cardinal Bergoglio as was Perón. 

Francis: I am a Peronist

A relatively new book titled, The Shepherd: Francis’ Challenges, Reasons, and Reflections on His Pontificate, contains Pope Francis’ answers to questions he is frequently asked. Therein he acknowledges that the presence in the 70s of a Peronist group at the Jesuit-run Salvador University which backed Bergoglio’s position on social justice led him to say, “I am a Peronist.”

Francis then notes that sympathizing with Peronism is not something that can be criticized in itself. “What’s wrong with that?” he asks. If Perón was a full-fledged Masonic P2 initiate what could be right with that?

Perón a Hardline Communist

The fact is that Perón was hardline Mason and Marxist who lived for his own glut and totalitarian aspirations. He was an admirer of Stalin and implemented 85 percent of Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto to-do list, imposed Marxist inspired policies, controlled all exports, jailed his political opponents, censored media critics, and offered safe haven for thousands of former Nazi Party members and SS officers following the fall of the Third Reich. Argentine journalist Matias Ruiz reports that Perón literally took pages from the propaganda leaflets of the Nazis and Soviets to help him formulate his own system of Perónism, which in essence is Marxism. 

The sometimes-promoted line that Perón was a “man of the people” only serves to cover the fact that he was a criminal and dictator who simply used the people to destabilize and bring down the government as did Lenin with the Proletariat. 

An Ecclesiastical Perón

Francis today has applied this incitive role in an ecclesial context by instigating revolution in the Church through the promotion of doctrinal rebellion and LGBT, for which reason Argentine Catholics today describe Francis as “an ecclesiastical Peron — a ruthless, socialism-addled chameleon willing to tell any lie and try any low tactic to preserve power.” (George Neumayr, The American Spectator) According to one reporter in Argentina, “The Jesuits were penetrated by the Communists, and Bergoglio was one of them.”


Cardinal Bergoglio looked up to Marxist Perón and more than once he has expressed his communist convictions during his tenure as pope. In 2016 he famously said:

“It is the communists who think like Christians”

According to the late investigative journalist George Neumayr, Jorge Bergoglio received his political education at the knee of a Paraguayan communist named Esther Ballestrino, who was his boss at a Buenos Aires laboratory after he had received the equivalent of a high school education in chemistry. Bergoglio had said he “owes” much to that “great woman” and gushed about how she introduced him to communist periodicals and literature, which at the time were illegal to sell or possess in Argentina. He proudly took credit for hiding her Marxist literature in a Jesuit library when she had to flee from authorities.

When talk-show host Michael Savage called Pope Francis “Lenin’s pope,” Francis took this as a compliment. “I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don’t feel offended,” he told the Italian press.

Francis Invites Marxist Group to the Vatican

Now there is breaking news of how Francis is trying to infect the Church with Communists. On January 11, 2024, he hosted a “Marxist-Christian” dialogue group at the Vatican, which included communist activists and politicians from several European countries. The group is purely Marxist but calls itself “Marxist-Christian” to give itself an air of goodness and democracy.

These activists also have ties with Freemasonry. Francis exhorted them, saying: “Don’t back off, don’t give up, and don’t stop dreaming of a better world.”

Francis Named Masonic Rotary Club Member

In 1999, Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio was named an Honorary Member of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, a Masonic organization that embraces the corrupt ideals of Freemasonry, Naturalism, and Secularism. International Rotary Club members labor for the destruction of the Catholic Church. 

On April 30, 2016, Francis greeted nearly 9000 Rotary members at a special Jubilee in St. Peter’s Square, all of whom were Masons or Masonic affiliates. Rotary International was condemned by Pope Pius XII in 1951 and all popes since that time have abided by this decree, except for Francis who is the first pope ever to receive and accept a Rotary Club membership.

On July 26, 1999, Bergoglio sent a letter to the President of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, in which he says: “I am particularly pleased to address Mr. President to acknowledge receipt of the kind note that you sent me together with the Honorary Secretary dated the 23rd of the current month, whereby you kindly confirm me as an Honorary Associate of this prestigious institution.” 

On March 16, 2013, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Argentina officially welcomed the election of Cardinal Bergoglio as pope of the Catholic Church as did Freemasons from throughout the world.

What is interesting is that the date of Francis’ election, March 13, 2013, marked 188 years to the day that Pope Leo VII issued his Papal Bull, Quo Graviora, which condemned Freemasonry. Francis’ election on that date can almost be seen as a Masonic victory to take that day as their own.

On 12.13.14 the city of Bologna, Italy, erected a public light display with occult imagery and Masonic icons in remembrance of the P2 Masonic Lodge's bombing of a train station in that city in 1980.  The date, December 13, 2014, happened to be the 45th anniversary of Jorge Bergoglio’s ordination to the priesthood (12.13.69).

Note too that 33 is the highest degree of Freemasonry and Fr. Bergoglio turned 33 on the week of his ordination, on December 17.

In his speech congratulating Francis’ elevation to the Chair of Peter in 2013, the Grand Master of Italian Freemasonry Gustavo Raffi said, “With the election of Pope Francis nothing will ever be the same again,” i.e., will never be anti-Masonic again. He described Francis as, "A man of the poor and far from the Curia. Fraternity and dialogue are his first concrete words.”

Francis has echoed this theme from the onset of his reign. Shortly before his election, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick reportedly told him, ‘Remember, when you become pope always preach social justice and love of the poor.’

Francis Praises Freemason Klaus Schwab

And now there is the late breaking news of Pope Francis having just sent a message of praise to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and to its founder Klaus Schwab, praising their annual WEF Davos meeting in its push for “globalization.” Francis here praises the WEF, which is a high-level coalition Freemasons and satanic elite masters who labor incessantly for the demolition of Christianity (through the spread of porn, LGBT, child abuse, etc.) and the setting up of a tyrannical one-world-government under 666.

In his message, Francis paints them up as stewards of peace in an attempt to sell their cause to the world hoping the world will embrace their message of rebellion. “It is my hope, then, that the participants in this year’s Forum will be mindful of the moral responsibility that each of us has in the fight against poverty, the attainment of an integral development for all our brothers and sisters, and the quest for a peaceful coexistence among peoples,” wrote Francis. 

Nowhere in his message did Francis mention Christ or the role of the Catholic Church in bringing world peace but rather highlighted the role of the WEF in its push for one-world globalization for a “better” future. The most effective way of promoting apostasy is to promote the WEF global elite, which is what Francis is doing.

The WEF is a high-level coalition of satanists comprised of blood-drinkers like Bill Gates.

Fr. Malachi Martin on a Coming Apostate Pope

In May 2016, Fr. Paul Kramer of the Fatima Center publicly announced that the late Fr. Malachi Martin who had read the Third Secret of Fatima told him about a coming apostate pope. Kramer said: “Malachi personally confirmed to me in 1997 that the “pope” who will lead the apostasy in the Church will be a heretic and an antipope.”

In a 1992 interview with Bernard Jansen, Fr. Malachi said the following about the papacy in our time:

“What I think is fatally necessary for every Catholic to know, and that is the fate of the papacy and the coming stress and danger that we shall be without the strength of the papacy.”

When asked about the possibility of electing a heretical pope in the future, Malachi said:

“You know… they have elected men in the past who had heretical ideas. Two or three. They have never elected yet an apostate…. We have apostates now who are papabile [men who could be elected pope]. Yes, we could have an apostate, but in that day, then we are into something terrible. We’re into something which, Bernard, is something that, if you think on it in full knowledge of the meaning of your terms, is nightmarish. It would test the faith of St. Catherine of Sienna. It would test the faith of the greatest saint. It would try the patience of Job. It would be a black day; a day in which you could clothe every window in black and put out the lights and dress in sackcloth & ashes and pray that you’re spared because your faith is going to be battered to pieces—if that happens. Because then, they have the prize, and everything goes underground. And we indeed are on our way to becoming what Paul VI, in his misery, called in 1978, “an infinitesimally small part of humanity. Completely marginalized and pushed to the side and forgotten.”

The pope here was speaking of the tradition-minded Catholics who resist the modernist counter magisterium and who are loyal to the Papacy and True Magisterium. He was speaking of those who escape this Masonic attempt to pollute their souls with heresy and change.

Highlights of the 34 Masonic Guidelines

The aforementioned 34 guidelines that were dispatched to Masonic initiates before Vatican II glaringly reflect Freemasonry’s work to undermine the Faith. With a few exceptions, its proposals have come to pass. Among the many things proposed were Communion in the hand, lay Eucharistic ministers, the elimination of Latin from the liturgy, replacing the altar with a table, Mass facing the people, women’s liberation, turning sex into a religion, the removal of statues and pictures of angels, the rewriting of Bibles and the elimination of the word “Saint” from the Mass readings, i.e., the Gospel according to John and not St. John. 

In conclusion, let us take a look at three of these directives.


(19) “Burn all [traditional] catechisms. Tell religion teachers to teach love of God’s people, instead of love of God. Tell them it is mature to love openly. Make sex a common word in religion classes. Make sex a new religion.”

This attempt to glorify sexual perversion as a religion reached fever pitch this past December 18 when Francis issued his abominable declaration Fiducia Supplicans officially allowing clerical blessings of homosexual couples.

(11) “Stop the practice of saying Mass before the Holy Eucharist in the Tabernacle. Do not allow and tabernacles on the tables used for the Mass. Make the table look like a dinner table. Make it portable, to imply that it is not sacred, but could do double duty for anything, such as a conference table or for playing cards. Later, put at least one chair at this table. Make the priest sit in this after Communion to signify that he rests after his meal. Never let the priest kneel at Mass, nor genuflect. People don’t kneel at meals.”

The plan outlined here was to remove the Traditional Mass with the priest facing the altar. As we know, Pope Francis took sudden steps on July 16, 2021, to halt the Traditional Latin Mass, in an abrupt reversal of Pope Benedict’s policy to expand the use of the old Mass. Francis said the Traditional Mass ‘widens gaps, reinforces divergencies, and encourages disagreements that injure the Church.’ His complaint of course is that the Traditional Mass fosters disagreement with the antichurch, not with the Church. It divides and discourages the leftist groups, not the Church.

(23) “Be bold, weaken the Pope by setting up a Bishop’s Synod. The pope will then be a figurehead, as England is ruled by the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The King takes orders from them. Then weaken the bishop’s authority by setting up a counterpart at the priest’s level. Say that the priests are finally getting the recognition they deserve. Then weaken the priest’s authority by setting up lay groups to boss the priests. There will be so much hatred developed that even cardinals will leave the Church. Say that the Church is now democratic. Praise the new Collegiality.”

As we know, Francis has put great stock into decentralizing the Church and delegating ecclesiastical powers to individual dioceses and lay people, but this past dissolving of the Church through lay revolution is what paved the way for an antipope to come to power just as dissolving the Russian Czar through the Bolshevik revolution opened the way for dictator Lenin to come to power. It seems that Michael Savage was on key when he called Francis “Lenin’s pope.”

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