The Need for Good Desires
Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Today, emotions are dominant, we don't want to "offend" anyone. We are afraid to speak the truth, teach the truth and defend the truth in and out of season. We think about the other's feelings instead of the truth that is more important. We can see by the very sad fact that most Catholics don't believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Some of that has resulted by bad catechesis, but in regards to the emotions, one soul told me in regards to the reason they did not believe in the Real Presence, was the result of not feel anything. Thus, because they did not feel anything Christ must not truly be there.
What good does believing in feelings actually do for us in this case?
We have use of our reason to dominate our feelings and our Faith to firmly believe with no doubt the Truth which Christ Himself has given to us on His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Our freewill is what determines our actions not our feelings. Regardless of our feelings the truth is the truth!
Let us remember, in regards to our "feelings," that our true happiness and peace will not come from our "feeling." Though that is exactly what the World tries to tell us. We have peace in our souls not because of some good feeling but by our goodwill. Recall the Angels words: "Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to men of Goodwill!"
It was not peace to men of good feelings. By our good will, our good desires will we get to Heaven.
Thus, our freewill is powerful and should not be underestimated. Catholics rarely hear this truth and satan certainly doesn't want souls to know this truth.
St. Thomas Aquinas's sisters asked him one day what they had to do to be saints and he said three things: first, you must desire it, second, you must desire it, third, you must desire it!
It really is that simple!
The saints speak of how souls must be "men of desires." What does that mean?.....
In one sense we can consider how Christ conquered disordered passions by His Sacred Passion, willing to Love us to the death!
Let's look at what is explained in a book called , Love, Peace and Joy, according to the devotion of the Sacred Heart by St. Gertrude 1302 A.D.
Desires of the Heart of Jesus (below emphasis mine)
Continuing the same subject already treated of, let us give ourselves up to boundless desires. In the first place in our prayers, like Daniel praying for his people, let us be men of desires, and are supplications, like his merit to be heard for the welfare of the Church.
St. Gertrude, concentrating in her heart universal and infinite desires, prayed with the desires of the whole world, 'ex afflectu totius universitatis," for the greatest good of the whole universe in heaven on earth, and Purgatory. Hers was truly a heart according to that of Jesus. Great like His, loving and burning with desire like His. That all our works be animated with her boundless desires, in order that they may respond to the needs of the Church, which are truly without number. Little in themselves, these works will become great by our desires, and Jesus, who takes the desire for the reality, will give them an incomparable value for the salvation of the world.
"Oh my God," exclaimed St. Catherine of Sienna, "How will Thou be able in these unhappy times to provide for the wants of thy Church? I know what that will do. Thy love will raise up men desires. Their finite works, joined to infinite desires will make Thee hear their prayers for the salvation of the world. "
It would seem, however and above all with regard to the cross, and in these times, when souls are weak, the Heart of Jesus looks to us for great desires to supply for the sufferings which are beyond our strength.
"Lord," said St. Gertrude, inspired by the heart of Jesus, "I offer thee all the sufferings of my sisters, with the desire to endure them till the end of the world if such is Thy good pleasure." Jesus answered; "Frequently make me this offering which inebriates My Heart, and prevents it from refusing you anything." St. Gertrude: "Since this offering is so agreeable to Thee oh Lord, teach me how I should be able to make it continually." Jesus: "Always offer me with a contrary and humble heart the desire to endure where it necessary for My glory all the sufferings for the world to the end of Time, and thou shalt obtain from My Heart whatever thou shall choose to ask."
St. Gertrude was very especially a saint of desires, and by these deserved the assurance from our Lord many times repeated that her Goodwill and her desires would be accepted and counted as though they had really met with their accomplishment. There are in fact a certain number of saints that became saints only by their desires. (For example, Saint John Berchmans. The Ven. Father de la Colombiere, spiritual Director of St. Margaret Alacoque also said in speaking of that vow of perfection which had sanctified him: "God could not fail to take the desire for the reality."
God heard the preparation of their heart!
The perfection of their dispositions gained for them an increase of grace, and the Holiness of their intentions gave incomparable merit to the least of their actions. It is in a special characteristic of devotion to the Sacred Heart as St. Gertrude has made it known, to sanctify us by our desires!
Let us adopt this means, so easy, so sweet, so encouraging; let us turn our intentions towards God and in our most trivial actions unite ourselves to the Heart of Jesus by a pure, sincere, and boundless desire to glorify His Father. Thus our souls will become enriched and incomparable merit, While the Heart of Our Good Master will have the consolation of extending and satisfying in us his own desires.
St. John Eudes tells souls to: "Notice also that is by no means useless to desire to have in you all the devotion and love of all holy souls, because our Lord revealed the same to St. Mechtilde, a nun of the holy order of St. Benedict, that if, when she went to Holy Communion, she did not feel any devotion in herself, she should desire to have a devotion and the love of all the holy souls who've ever received Holy Communion and He would consider her as if she did indeed possess it. We also read of Saint Gertrude that one day when she was about to receive Holy Communion, and did not feel herself well prepared or full of devotion, turned to our Lord and offered Him all the preparation and devotion of all the saints and of the Blessed virgin. The result of this was that He appeared to her and spoke to her the following words; "Now indeed thou dost appear in my sight of my saints, clad in just those garments and ornaments that thou hast desired!" 'Oh Lord how good Thou art thus to accept our good desires as real effects!'
First, let us desire every moment, as St. Gertrude did, to know the wishes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in order to share and to accomplish them. (Maxim: You get what you desire).
Second, let us consider our desires to respond to those of Jesus, as the best preparation for Holy Communion. Holy Communion is our succour for our needs, rather than recompense for our good dispositions. It is above all nourishment for which desire is an excellent preparation, just as appetite is for the food of our body.
Third, let us be men of desires for the salvation of our brethren and the triumph of the Church. As the desires of Mary hastened the coming of Our Lord, so the desires of the just, in shortening the days of tribulation, May hasten the triumph of the Church!!!
O my Most Loving and Gentle Jesus, I desire with all the affections of my heart, that all beings created and uncreated, should praise you, honor you and glorify you eternally for that sacred wound wherewith your divine side was rent. I deposit, enclose, conceal in that wound and in that opening in your Heart, my heart and all my feelings, thoughts, desires, intentions and all the faculties of my soul.
I entreat you, by the precious Blood and Water that flowed from your most loving Heart, to take entire possession of me, that you may guide me in all things. Consume me in the burning fire of your holy love, so that I may be absorbed and transformed into You that I may no longer be but one with You. Amen. (Lanspergius, the Carthusian)
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus may your pure Love reign in our hearts and may our hearts desire like unto Thy Heart!!!
Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to men of Goodwill!