The Importance of Exposing Conspiracies and Their Architects
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Prominent theologians and exorcists have always taught that the devil's greatest advantage is for us to not believe he is there so that he can invisibly wreak havoc among us while our guard is down.
The same applies to deep-state socialists and clandestines who work for Satan. Their wish is that we not know they are there since this enables them to effectively advance their agenda to undermine America and build toward a communistic one-world government.
The single most effective political tool at our disposal to thwart this globalist plan is to expose it with evidence. Working secretly avails the hidden enemy the greatest advantage in carrying out their covert activity whereas exposing their activity does the greatest harm to their cause. Exposing their plan sounds the death knell for them.
The late Robert F. Kennedy Sr. spoke along these lines and pointed out the moral failure of not speaking up against corruption.
“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom, decency and justice.”
Unfortunately, there are those in Washington who are aware of the socialist plan to bring down America but who won’t speak out against it for fear of being ridiculed, just as there are bishops throughout the Catholic Church who are aware of the corrupt faces and profiles in Rome who are trying to destroy the Faith but who won’t say anything for fear of being “excommunicated.”
Fortunately, a better part of America is now aware of today’s deep state shadow government and they are ready to take it on, unlike in previous times when allegations of covert operations to undermine America were seen as "conspiracy theories." These conspiratorial activities are no longer seen as mythical but the problem is that the globalists have gained so much momentum today that it is difficult to stop them even with exposure. It’s now become open war between the Republic and the Washington swamp, between the Church and the antichurch.
Fallen Rome has Encouraged a Fallen America
Yes, the headquarters feeding the DC swamp is the Vatican swamp. Rome today has a swamp that is even bigger, more treacherous, and more wicked than the DC swamp. In 2013 known criminals like George Soros, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden were participants in a sinister plot to oust Pope Benedict XVI and install a Jesuit who presently occupies the Chair of Peter. These American swampists collaborated with a brood of Vatican heretics and schismatics to both aid the ruin of the Church and to ease Vatican opposition to Biden’s planned election heist of fall 2020. Note that Biden and Francis have always been on good terms.
The Scandal of Misrepresentation
This has brought about the discredit of both America and the Church. It is evil indeed that the misrepresentation of good causes has turned many against these causes, but people shouldn’t allow themselves to be swayed so easily. It’s called prejudice. All manner of shame and rebellion are now being advanced in the name of God and country, but people need to understand that the present Vatican push for “immigration,” ecology, and LGBT inclusion do not represent the Catholic Church no more than “transgenderism,” pot smoking, and flag-burning represent the Stars and Stripes.
Hence it is urgent that patriots continue with all the more fervor to speak out against the many evils polluting our nation and the Church lest more and more people come away thinking that Washington and the Institution of the Catholic Church are pagan entities.