The Bolshevik Plan: Stop the Inauguration Through Fear
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Vladimir Putin is threatening the U.S. with 'nuclear war by Christmas' in a chilling 'WW3 by Christmas' warning. This was made known through Putin's spokesperson Sergey Markov.
Western allies including Britain and France are also facing ‘nuclear repercussions’ by giving Ukraine permission to fire Western long-range missiles into "Russian" territory, Markov claims. However, the infringed upon Russian territory is actually captured Ukrainian territory that Putin is claiming is his so he can have an excuse to make these threats against the West.
Putin warned that the shock move by President Joe Biden could mean that the people of Britain could be facing "a Christmas in shelters," but the "shock move" was orchestrated by Putin and his Kremlin; Biden is only assisting. Putin’s Bolshevik cabal assisted by Biden, Kamala, and the DC deep state is devastated by Trump's electoral victory, and with one mind they are working feverishly to keep Trump out of office.
Their game plan: STOP THE INUAGURATION THROUGH FEAR. This is why Putin is warning that the U.S. will be nuked before Christmas. Biden works with the Russians and Putin has arranged for Biden to authorize the Ukraine launching of U.S. missiles into Russian territory so that Putin will have an excuse to fire back at the United States. The Kremlin’s hope is that America will drop to its knees and say, "Please, let's halt the inauguration so we don't get nuked."
Therefore, America must do everything in its power to go forward with the inauguration, because to halt the inauguration is to end the inauguration, and to end the inauguration is to end American liberty and that of the free world.
Let us pray that patriot America not buckle through fear but that it boldly go forward with its plan to place President Elect Donald Trump into office.