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Synod to Apologize for “Sins” Against Migrants, the Planet


David Martin | The Daily Knight

The Vatican Synod on Synodality is a three-year process of “listening and dialogue” that began in Rome on October 9, 2021. The Synod consists of five sessions, the last of which convenes September 30, 2024, and concludes October 24. The final session will be moderated by LGBT bishops and clergy and will vote on how the Catholic Church should proceed in the future.

The Synod will include a “penitential vigil” that will see the “confession” of sins against “synodality,” “migrants” and “participation of all.” It’s no longer about confessing to Almighty God but to the planet and its tribes.

The very idea of synodality is sinful and should perhaps be spelled “sinodality.” The Synod seeks to contravene divinely instituted doctrine and law and to establish its own set of doctrines and values. Its key objective is to separate the Church from its Divine Founder and to unite it with the world.

Specifically, the Synod seeks to ecumenically unite the Church with other world religions. This contravenes the Church’s dogma that there exists no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

There is one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is neither salvation nor remission of sins.


-- Unam Sanctam, Papal Bull of Boniface VIII

Insidious Twist

The modernists beginning at Vatican II conceded to the necessity of belonging to the Catholic (universal) Church to be saved but implicitly changed the definition of universal church to mean the world body of churches. According to Francis and the Synod fathers, one must now belong to the new ecumenical church of man to be saved.

The final session of the Synod will also make climate action, open borders, and our “duty” to the planet among the Church’s top priorities. It is sinister, sensual, and worldly, and follows on the heels of Pope Francis’ public veneration of indigenous gods at the Vatican in October 2019 (Pachamama) and in Canada in July 2022. The Synod seeks to turn the Catholic Church into an indigenous pagan fest.

It is widely believed that Francis will implement the Mayan Rite of the Mass that was set in motion at the Amazonian Synod in 2019. The Mayan rite was ‘inspired’ by ancient Mayan rituals and is already practiced in the diocese of San Cristobal, Mexico, but it is speculated that Francis will now adopt it for more general use as a means to further enculturate the liturgy and build toward women and married priests.

The Synod is also a key part of the internationalist plan to bring about a complete one-world government and religion. Francis in fact is the one spearheading this NWO for the globalists. As the socialist that he is, he seeks to dissolve national borders and to send migrant intruders into capitalist countries to break down their nationalism and stability.

Francis to Lead “Penitential Vigil”

On the evening of October 1, Francis will lead the penitential vigil during which “the confession of a number of sins will take place.” The confessions no doubt will include apologies for having attempted to convert indigenous cultures, which Francis considers a sin.

“The aim is not to denounce the sin of others but to acknowledge oneself as a member of those who, by omission or action, become the cause of suffering and responsible for the evil inflicted on the innocent and defenseless,” the Vatican said.

The hypocrisy here is staggering seeing that it is the omissions and heretical commissions of the Vatican that have misled and brought about the spiritual murder of souls throughout the world. Not to mention the abandonment and torture of the suffering underground Church in China that Francis betrayed into the hands of fake political “bishops” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

And what about the innocent children that have been sexually abused by Francis’ blessing of LGBT living? Homosexuality is what is spawning all the abuse! Francis will feature the infamous Fr. James Martin and other LGBT predators as key participants at the Synod.

Sins to be “confessed” will include:

·         Sin against peace

·         Sin against the planet, against indigenous people and migrants

·         Sin against women and youth

·         Sin of using doctrine as stones to be hurled

·         Sin against synodality/lack of listening, communion with the world

Great Warning to Follow Synod

We should note that the infamous Synod on Synodality will end in the last week of October. Conchita Gonzales, the principal seer of Garabandal stated in 1962 that the great worldwide Warning from God will occur shortly after the close of a major Church synod. Mother Nieves Garcia, a close friend of Conchita said in an interview:

“The Virgin told Conchita that before the future events occur, a synod will take place, an important synod. Then Conchita told the story to her aunt. The aunt asked her, “Do you refer to the Council? [Vatican II].... Conchita told her aunt, “No, the Virgin didn’t say council, she said synod.”

Mother Nieves went on to say that the synod would be like a “small council.” She also said that two prominent priest professors who had written extensively on Garabandal described the synod as a “pre-Warning.”

Everything seems to be converging this fall – the conclusion of the Synod, the 2024 presidential election, and prospective revolution. According to the prophecies of Garabandal and Bayside, the Warning will occur following the outbreak of revolution throughout the world.

When it happens, it will have come not for “sins” against the planet but for sins against Almighty God, especially the sins of homosexuality, abortion, and Rome’s attempt to unite the Catholic Church with the world. This Christ will never permit (Mt 16:18) since our union is with God, not with the world.

Fasten your seatbelt.




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