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“Sustainable Development Goals” are About Worldwide Depopulation Through Abortion


David Martin | The Daily Knight

With the present media fuss over "climate change," people seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as manmade climate change. As with extra-terrestrial aliens, it's a myth with no scientific backing. It was drummed up to provide globalists with an excuse to depopulate the planet.

Repetition is the way of the communists and globalists. In speaking of their strategy, ex-communists have said that if you repeat over and over that a circle is a square people will eventually believe it. In parrot fashion, the globalist-controlled media has relentlessly harped on the issue of manmade climate change to the end that most people today have been brainwashed by it. Yet there is no truth to it. 

Climate Action is about Blaming Humanity


Climate action is all about blaming man for the ruin of the planet to justify eliminating him. Globalists are feverishly exploiting 1 the Canadian-Western U.S. fires to try to blame man for his "sins" against the environment. They allege that man's use of fossil fuels has brought on the fires, when in fact many of these fires are deliberately set to fuel climate action.

Sustainability is about Abortion


The supposed goal of globalists is to sustain the planet through climate action. The key means of achieving this is through worldwide depopulation. Sustainability is all about abortion, i.e., it's an excuse to murder the unborn. Globalists would have us think that human babies are the no. 1 threat to the planet since they will grow up and pollute the environment with their "CO2 emissions."  


These same globalists send their pawns into the field to ignite the fires, kill the fish, and pollute the waters so that they can have an excuse to cry climate action. It's all part of a one-world government-religion they are pushing, which turns it back on the Almighty and commands that we bow to the planetary idol of "Mother-Earth."

This in turn has enkindled the wrath of God that is becoming more and more evident with the ever-increasing floods, quakes, and elemental disturbances. What we are witnessing today is not global warming but Global Warning from On High, but in their blindness the scientists fail to see the writing on the wall.

The present insanity over climate change has now penetrated into every facet of society like a cancerous fallout. For example, we hear about “sustainably caught tuna.” The fishing industry touts its “pole and line” fishing over the more effective method of using nets, alleging that nets pollute the ocean and harm whales and dolphins. Pampering the ocean with poles is ridiculous since fishing with nets does not harm the ocean. Christ's apostles used nets as did fishermen for the past 2000 years with zero damage rendered to the ocean. 

Planned Famine


Environmentalists push this myth not only to promote sustainability but to start a famine and starve America. Not using nets results in less fish available in our stores. And it isn’t just the fish they are targeting, but they are deliberately destroying the crops, burning down storehouses, and killing millions of chickens and cows as part of their plan to ration our food and inflate the economy. Environmentalists can care less about the environment and wildlife, so people shouldn’t heed them.


The various stories in the news about whales capsizing fishing boats suggest that “Karma” is getting back at us for harming the oceans and whales. Better that we forget the whales and save the babies to avoid the real punishment that is approaching from On High. 


1. The media obsession over climate action is telling. One media outlet will report that the western state fires have caused a smoke cloud to drift eastward, while another outlet says that the cloud is a huge CO2 emissions cloud produced by automobiles and factories. Lies!




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