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Satanists Will Attempt to Cast “Binding Spell” on Donald Trump


David Martin | The Daily Knight

According to Intercessors for America (IFA), an international coalition of satanic witches will attempt to cast a “binding spell” on Donald Trump this week. The 6200-member cult will openly perform “magical binding” rituals against the president and “all those who abet him” during the last waning crescent moon on August 3rd at 10:10 pm EST.

Their intention for invoking the devil is to kill Trump and thus prevent America’s deliverance from the sinister New World Order that this group promotes.

The cult’s leader Michael M. Hughes claims that their objective is not to kill the president but to ‘help America,’ but this is only said to cover the fact that this group was the spiritual force behind the attempted assassination of POTUS 45 on July 13.

During previous “magical binding” rituals conducted in 2017-2021, cult members openly said that their objective was to “kill Donald Trump,” so why are they suddenly changing their tune?

The group’s satanic binding spell rituals will be conducted during the last waning crescent moon on the following dates: August 3, September 1, October 1, October 31 (Halloween), November 30, and December 29.

Assassination of a Prominent Figure

This brings to mind the prophetic vision given to Veronica, the seer of Bayside, on November 22, 1975, which was the 12th anniversary of JFK's assassination.

Veronica -- On the left side of the sky there is appearing a crescent, the sign of the crescent moon... Our Lady now is coming forward. She's dressed in a white gown, but She has about Her head a very dark covering. It's almost black. Our Lady says there will be an assassination of a very prominent figure.

Our Lady then broke in.

"This assassination will set your country in great jeopardy

Hence it appears that Donald Trump could be the "prominent figure" mentioned in the Holy Virgin's prophecy. The fact that it was given on the 12th anniversary of JFK's assassination seems to indicate it was in reference to a future president.

Constant Vigilance of Prayer Needed

From August 3 to December 29, America’s Catholics should keep a constant vigilance of prayer going for Donald Trump. What is needed is the Holy Rosary. Mary is the one who crushes the devil’s head (Genesis 3:15) and by arming ourselves with the Rosary we share in this power to crush Satan from our midst.

Satanists for Kamala

The aforementioned witches are also invoking the dark powers to secure a presidential victory for Kamala Harris in order to enhance the ensuing socialist oppression that is rapidly tightening its hold on America. It is no secret that Kamala is an avowed socialist whose father, Donald Harris, was a Marxist economist who taught Marxism at Stanford University for decades. Kamala openly identifies with satanic drag queens, which is a glaring testament to her inability and ineligibility to hold a post in government. She needs to repent with tears.


1 comentário

Paulo Elliot
Paulo Elliot
01 de ago. de 2024

Kamala always avoids speaking of her rebel father who was the teacher of everything she holds dear: Marxism, oppression, slavery, revolution, and the bringing down of America to the glee of Communist Russia.

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