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Satan, Luther & the Continued War on the Holy Mass

David Martin | The Daily Knight

The Occult Connection Behind Luther’s Reformation

While many see Martin Luther as a "champion of the Gospel," it sadly has escaped their attention that Luther was an honorary member of the Rosicrucians, an occult secret society dating back to 1188, which was a precursor of the Freemasons. The task of the Knight of the Rosicrucians was to obliterate the Sacrifice of the Mass from the face of the earth. It was Luther who spearheaded this cause for the Rosicrucians, as we read below.

“It is indeed upon the Mass as on a rock that the whole papal system is built, with its monasteries, its bishoprics, its collegiate churches, its altars, its ministries, its doctrine, i.e., with all its guts. All these cannot fail to crumble once their sacrilegious and abominable Mass falls.” (Martin Luther, Against Henry, King of England, Werke, Vol. X, p. 220.)

Conversations with Satan

Luther in fact was in direct league with Lucifer. His famous colloquy with the devil in 1522 is documented in Abraham Woodhead’s superlative book, The Spirit of Martin Luther (1687). Therein is discussed Luther’s “negotiations” and “conferences” with the devil.

In his de Missa Privata & Sacerdotum Unctione (1533), Luther wrote of his “long experience” with Satan’s “arts and practices” and of “many a sad and bitter night” spent in talks with him. His colloquy on the Mass is particularly significant, since this is what turned Luther against the Mass, after which he would never say Mass again. On that occasion, the devil in a “grave and strong voice” persuaded Luther that he had committed “idolatry” for fifteen years by adoring and causing others to adore “naked bread and wine.” Consider this blasphemy from Luther’s Abrogation of the Mass:

“I am convinced that by these three arguments [which he had previously made] every pious conscience will be persuaded that this priest of the Mass and the papacy is nothing but a work of satan, and will be sufficiently warned against imagining that by these priests anything pious or good is effected.”

Luther Denied the Eucharist

Let us be very clear: Luther did not believe in the Eucharist. That is, he did not believe in the Church’s dogmatic teaching that the substance of bread and wine becomes the very substance of Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood during the consecration of the Mass (Transubstantiation), nor did he believe in the power of the priesthood to confect this or any of the Sacraments.

He rather believed that the laity is a “common priesthood” (a gathering of two or more) that alone brings the presence of Christ upon the assembly, and that this presence is not a transubstantiated presence but only a light blessing that descends upon the bread and wine as when we bless our meals, so that what the people partake in is a “blessed meal” symbolizing their unity as a body.

Placing the emphasis on the people was to suggest that the people are God or the true Body of Christ. Accordingly, Luther taught that after the service when the assembly disperses, the 1 blessing likewise disperses and is no longer present, suggesting that the blessing is really about themselves, not about God.

Luther’s Doctrine of Justification Born of Satan

Hence Luther’s satanic connection played a key part in engendering the Protestant Reformation, the same which gave birth to his so-called doctrine on justification. Through this infernal colloquy, the devil convinced Luther that we must accept our sinful lives as they are, and he instilled in him a false security about the sins we commit.

Hence was born his crackpot idea that Jesus ‘paid the price’ so that we may sin freely without the fear of eternal punishment. Consider Luther’s own words to his close associate Philip Melanchthon:

“Be a sinner and sin boldly but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly …. No sin will separate us from the Christ, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day.” (From Luther’s letter to Philip Melanchthon, August 1, 1521, LW, Vol.48, pp. 281-282)

Luther was a master at twisting the Scriptures. In planning his strategy, he had his pet verses marked out, which in their twisted form became ammunition against the Faith. His objective was to induce a licentious, worry-free attitude about sin, and knowing the temptation of human nature to shun accountability for sin, the seducer invented the idea of “sin and be saved” and then used the Bible to try to substantiate this lunacy. The following verse was perhaps his favorite argument for advancing his doctrine:

“By the works of the law no flesh shall be justified before him… For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law.” (Romans 3;20, 28)

The law mentioned here has nothing to do with the Law of Christ and the performance of good works but refers to the ceremonial works of the Old Jewish Law, i.e., circumcision, the offering of animals in sacrifice, the observance of certain feast days, etc. Christ came to do away with these former works, whereby we are no longer under the Law of Moses but under the Law of Christ. This is what the Bible is saying: that we are not justified by being Jew but by being Christian.

Naturally, it is Christ Himself Who justifies and saves, but He doesn’t save anyone unless they obey His laws and commandments. “For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.” (Romans 2:13) The Savior says to “keep my commandments” (John 14:15) and reminds us that “he will render to every man according to his works.” (Matthew 16:27)

Suffice it to say, the Church committed no fault in its response to the Reformation five centuries ago, which means no apologies must be made today. The papal condemnation of Luther in 1521 was truly the work of the Holy Spirit and remains binding to this day. It is absurd then that Pope Francis officially recognizes Luther as a faithful “witness to the Gospel.”

Luther Table in the Vatican

On Aug. 3, the Vatican erected a Novus Ordo “Luther Table” inside St. Peter’s Basilica with an upside-down cross depicted thereon. The argument that the reverse cross was to honor our first pope Peter who was crucified upside down holds no water since Luther rejected the papacy and referred to the popes as “papal pigs.” Many are seeing the reverse cross as a symbol of Protestant victory over the True Cross [the Mass] that Luther was committed to destroying. Pope Francis’ present move to suppress the Latin Mass and to dignify this latest idol indeed raises serious questions about his connections.

The question remains: why is Rome today dignifying Luther when he was officially judged to be an enemy of the Cross of Christ?

Every one of Luther’s charges against the Catholic Church were false. For instance, he accused the priests of “selling indulgences” in the confessional, which is not true. When penitents came to confession it was common at that time for priests to administer a penance in the form of having them place money in the Church’s treasury because funds were needed to complete the Basilica of St. Peters in Rome. We might say a Peter’s pence was being raised, which should have excited praise, but this infuriated Luther because he couldn’t tolerate the idea of funding the “papal pig” and his palace.

Pope Justified

It was for reason that Pope Leo X, in league with the holy cardinals, undertook to carefully deliberate the matter of Luther’s “Reformation” which had led a good part of Christian Europe away from the Faith. Under the lamp of the Holy Spirit the Holy Pontiff on June 15, 1520, issued his papal bull Exsurge Domini, whereby he condemned the works, writings, and sermons of Martin Luther, on the grounds that:

“These errors or theses are not Catholic… and are not to be taught, as such; but rather are against the doctrine and tradition of the Catholic Church, and against the true interpretation of the sacred Scriptures received from the Church.”

After mercifully granting Luther the chance to recant his errors so that the Church could “receive him kindly as the prodigal son returning to the embrace of the Church,” Pope Leo was left with no recourse but to excommunicate Martin Luther on Jan. 3, 1521, seeing that the clemency extended to him had only hardened his heart and fueled his rampage.

Moreover, the Council of Trent convened from 1545-1563 to reiterate the Church’s teachings in refutation of Luther’s errors so that there would remain no mistake as to the Church’s position on Luther.

Hence the matter of Martin Luther is a closed book. Once the Church has decreed infallibly on a given theological issue and the pope has spoken as Supreme Teacher of the Universal Church, the bishops and even the pope are not at liberty to question the decree. They have no recourse but to either embrace the decree or place themselves outside the Church as Luther did.

Why then is Pope Francis today paying tribute to Martin Luther? What Rome needs to keep in mind is that Luther was an antichrist figure who spent his life blaspheming the Church of our Divine Savior. Consider his own words:

“We too were formerly stuck in the behind of this hellish whore, the new church of the pope… so that we regret having spent so much time in that vile h***. But God be praised and thanked that he rescued us from the scarlet whore.” (Luther’s Works, Vol. 41, p. 206.)

Again, Luther says:

“I can with good conscience consider the pope an ass and an enemy of God. He cannot consider me an ass, for he knows that I am more learned in the Scriptures than he and all his asses are.” (p. 344)

The fact is that Luther rejected six books of the Bible, which is stark proof of his contempt for Holy Scripture. He merely feigned allegiance to the Scriptures to make people think he was a man of God but he was a pawn of the devil to destroy the Faith.

Accordingly, Luther contributed mightily to the mass murder of 70,000-100,000 peasants during the German Peasant War (1524-1525), which his Reformation had helped to spark. Consider the following from Luther:

“To kill a peasant is not murder; it is helping to extinguish that conflagration. Therefore, let whoever can, smite, slay, and stab them secretly or openly, remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful or devilish than a rebel…. On the obstinate, hardened, blinded peasants let no one have mercy, but let whoever is able, hew, stab, and slay them like mad dogs.” (Erlanger Edition of Luther’s Works, Vol. 24)

In 1526, Luther justified his role in the killing of peasants, saying,

“I, Martin Luther, have during the rebellion slain all the peasants, for it was I who ordered them to be struck dead. But I refer all to our Lord God: for he commanded me to speak thus.” (Erlangen LW, Vol. 59, p. 284)

Luther furthermore blasphemed Christ. For instance, he said:

“Christ committed adultery first of all with the woman at the well… Secondly with Mary Magdalene, and thirdly with the woman taken in adultery.” (Luther’s Works, American Edition, Volume 54, p. 154, Concordia Publishing House.)

So much for Luther’s faith in Christ. What could be said of the worst infidels of history would especially apply to Luther — he had no “faith” or “grace.” He was the classic hypocrite, always “justifying” himself and accusing others of what he himself was guilty of, never ceasing from his rampage to rebel the Faith under the pretext of faith. He truly was “the wild boar loose in the vineyard.” (Pope Leo X)

May the world finally shut its ears to anything he had to say.

1. Naturally, there is no blessing of any kind that descends upon these heretical gatherings since this false religion was drafted under Satan’s guidance.

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