Reflections on Peace
By David Martin | The Daily Knight
A marked feature of these latter times is that we see the world warring against peace in the name of peace. This is best represented by the so-called ‘peace symbol,’ or Antichrist symbol, which represents the worldwide revolt against God and moral authority. The ancient serpent has seduced many into rebelling the Cross and embracing the reversed cross.
Many today think that peace is liberty from suffering, yet the Prince of Peace feels more pain than all the sufferers on earth. Some see peace as pleasure, but liberty from pleasure is what avails us true peace since it places us in union with the suffering Christ that we may become more like him.
Suffering endured with charity detaches us from the world and draws us closer to Christ, which is true peace. However, one cannot walk with Christ if his conscious is plagued with guilt. A guilty conscious through rebellion robs one of peace.
Peace is clarity of conscience, which is a gift from God that is given to those who fear Him and who keep his commandments. God is the foundation of any peace we can have with others, and this is best manifested by bringing the Faith to others that they might make their peace with God.
The Modernists disagree. They block any attempts to spread the Faith to members of other religions, which undermines peace, since ecumenical interfaith worship breaches dogma and offends the Author of Peace.
Peace is not Unity with the World
Peace is not unity and oneness with the world since our peace is with God, and not with the world. Unity with the world wars against peace. Jesus said, "Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword." (Mt. 10:34) He said, "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you." (John 14: 27)
The peace offered by the world is fake because it rejects the glory of God and seeks glory with man, which is no glory. It caters to self and to selfish ambitions of being acknowledged by men, which is the addiction of pride. The world’s idea of peace is to forget the Cross and surrender to pleasure, but true peace is to forget self and to think only of Christ Crucified. "He that shall lose his life for My sake, shall find it." (Mt. 16:25)
God Calls us to Flow with Peace
Hence, the path to peace is to place God in control of our salvation. Naturally, we do our little part to correspond with grace and move forward in a similar way a surfer will paddle and kick to balance himself and ride the crest forward, but it’s the force of the wave that takes him to shore, not his own force.
By responding to grace and riding the heavenly crest forward we too can arrive at the shores of everlasting peace.