Prophecy Seen in Reference to Francis More Likely Refers to Benedict
David Martin | The Daily Knight
With the pontifical debacle under Pope Francis continuing to worsen with each passing day, many are still hopeful for his conversion and hold the following prophecy of the approved 19th century mystic Marie Julie Jahenny to be in reference to Francis.
"There would be a pope who, at the last moment, will reverse his policies and make a solemn appeal to the clergy. But he will not be obeyed; on the contrary, an assembly of bishops will demand even greater freedom, declaring that they will no longer obey the pope." – Marie Julie Jahenny
The above quote from Marie Julie Jahenny could hardly refer to Francis for the simple reason that none of today’s Church liberals, i.e., modernist bishops, priests, and Freemasons have ever opposed Francis or sought the least “freedom” from him but have increasingly catered to his side from the day he was placed on the Chair of Peter.
That an assembly of bishops would demand “even greater freedom” from the pope is to say that they were already breaking away from him. The prophecy seemingly refers to Benedict XVI since he was already murmured at since the 70s and 80s, so that any final attempts and appeals to reverse policies would be the last straw leading to demands for “greater freedom.”
That Benedict XVI is likely the pope referred to in this prophecy is plausible since he initially was modern, after which he reversed most of his modernist policies and later appealed to the clergy to join him in restoring holy tradition. By promoting the return of the Traditional Latin Mass via Summorum Pontificum and by insisting that anyone attending his Masses receive Communion on the tongue while kneeling he was setting the stage for all clergy and bishops as to how he wanted it done universally, but he was mocked and crucified for this and for other like attempts to universally restore holy tradition.
Death Threat Against Benedict XVI
We shouldn’t rule out the possibility that the pope before his resignation *appealed to the college of bishops to join him in restoring tradition, which most certainly would have triggered increased boos and insults against him, because it was in December 2011 that a report surfaced saying that there was a death plot against Pope Benedict’s life.
On February 10, 2012, almost one year to the day before Benedict XVI announced his resignation, it was reported that the pope was given only one year to live if he didn't resign. The Telegraph UK reported that Cardinal Paolo Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo, said these things to a group of people in Beijing toward the end of 2011.
"His remarks were expressed with such certainty and resolution that the people he was speaking to thought, with a sense of alarm, that an attack on the Pope's life was being planned," the report said.
The extraordinary comments were written up in a top-secret report, dated Dec. 30, 2011, and delivered to Pope Benedict XVI by a senior cardinal, Dario Castrillon Hoyos, in January 2012. The report was written in German, apparently to limit the number of people within the Vatican who would understand it if inadvertently leaked. It warned of a "Mordkomplott" – death plot – against Benedict.
Benedict Coerced into Stepping Down
It was just a little over a year later, on February 11, 2013, that Pope Benedict announced his resignation, which we know was forced on him. Credible reports from 2015 indicate that Benedict XVI was coerced into stepping down, which was providentially foreshadowed in Benedict’s inaugural speech of April 24, 2005, when he said: "Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves."
In Peter Seewald's biography Benedict XVI, His Life, he reveals that Pope Benedict told him that wicked cardinals pressured him into vacating the Chair of Peter. Benedict was brutally coerced by what he called the “Antichrist” cabal, which he said brought upon him pressures so great that remaining on the Throne would have literally killed him (via heart attack or even murder). These pressures left him no recourse but to act against his will.
We know from the late Cardinal Danneels of Brussels that he was part of the "Sankt Gallen Mafia" reformist group opposed to Benedict XVI. Danneels, known for his support of abortion, LGBT rights, and gay-marriage, said in a taped interview in September 2015 that he and several cardinals were part of this "mafia" club that was calling for drastic changes in the Church, to make it "much more modern," and that the plan was to oust Benedict and have Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio head it.
On December 30, 2022, the eve of Benedict's burial, retired brigadier general and Catholic author Piero Laporta reported that shortly after Benedict's election in 2005, “a leading delegate of the U.S. government, who had his hands in Italian finances” and who was “a figure in the highest ranks of the National Security Agency (NSA)” was “bragging about the resignation to which H.H. Benedict XVI of revered memory would soon be forced.” This agent was reportedly tied with “a great Roman circle that is still active today” and that is even more powerful than the “Sankt Gallen group.” Laporta said that this “Roman circle,” which he calls the “dome of demons,” was dedicated to the slogans “God is dead” and “Jesus is fake news” and was in a “panic” when Benedict was elected.
Needless to say, the Vatican deep-state was terrified over the prospect of Benedict’s continuance on the Papal Throne in a similar way that the DC “swamp” was terrified over the prospect of Trump’s continuance in the Oval Office. And how interesting that Benedict and the legitimate Donald Trump harbored a deep mutual respect just as Francis and the illegitimate Joe Biden harbor mutual respect. From the beginning Francis has gravitated to all that is Marxist and rebellious.
Francis Collusion with Red China
Now he is pushing full harmonious relations with the CCP, which is given full jurisdiction over the suffering underground Church in China via politically consecrated "bishops" of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association. Pius XII condemned the CCPA in 1958 declaring all its functions and consecrations to be null, yet Francis has been breaking his back for the last ten years trying to establish policies of appeasement with these agents of the CCP.
How likely is it that he will suddenly reverse this and other like policies?
* Which the Church’s enemies would naturally refuse to publicize since it would make their resistance to Benedict’s appeal many times more difficult. For years the Vatican News Service has been entirely run by the LGBT marketing firm Accenture that is notorious for concealing and twisting the truth.