Little Pilgrimage for Catholic Gala of the South and Feast of Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

This past weekend, my family and I traveled to Atlanta, GA to attend the second annual Catholic Gala of the South and festivities for the Feast of the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ. I don't show much of the travels of my family, but like the consecration of the Immaculata in St. Mary's, KS, I figured that it would be fruitful to share the details of this great trip.
Friday evening was spent in good company for a pre-Gala 'meet and great' at an old family friend's house in Alpharetta. There were several other couples from St. Michael's that we hadn't seen since we moved to Texas (St. Michael's used to be our parish while living in Atlanta). Kennedy Hall and his friend Mark, who both drove down from Ontario, were gracious to join us for the evening. My wife and I had originally met Kennedy Hall after the consecration of the Immaculata, and it was a pleasure to spend some quality time with them, enjoying drink, cigars and strong Catholic conversation.
The Gala was Saturday night at the Standard Club in Johns Creek. Like all husbands know, it's always fun, to give your wife the chance to get "dolled up." I chose to wear the new uniform of the Sacred Military Order of the Knights of the Republic and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus. Most people had never seen the uniform before, which presented a strong opportunity to introduce people to the Order and our mission to defeat modernism. We had dropped off our two oldest children at their grandparents' in Alabama, but still had our youngest for the event. My wife and I were blessed with being listed as honorary guests to sit with the speakers.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and other local clergy, attended the event the previous year. This year's lineup was Fr. Vaugn Treco, the Anglican Ordinariate priest who was canceled in 2019; Chris Ferrara, Thomas More Society lawyer, columnist for The Remnant, and author; Dr. Taylor Marshall, former Anglican priest, renown podcaster and author of Infiltration; Kennedy Hall, podcaster, commentator at LifeSite News and author of SSPX: The Defence; and Fr. Patrick Summers, District Superior of Asia, SSPX.
Fr. Treco "mc'ed" the event and gave a strong message to execute whatever necessary to preserve the faith and the Tridentine Mass in the face of the onslaught of modernism in the Conciliar Church. Much like the sermon that got him canceled and parish closed, found here on The Remnant and Complicit Clergy, Fr. Treco was very clear in asserting the necessity to place your family at a Tridentine Mass and strive to restore authentic Catholicism. I will attempt to get the transcript of his speech, but his controversial sermon can be found below:
Dr. Taylor Marshall spoke on St. Jospeh, the Terror of Demons and Protector of the Church, who is often referred to as the "silent saint." While he says nothing in the Holy Bible, even appearing at Fatima and Knock in silence, St. Joseph's silence give testament to his humble service to our Blessed Lord and His Mother, the power that God entrusts to fathers over their household, and the perfect end of being accompanied and comforted by Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary at death. Dr. Marshall also discussed the belief by multiple saints of St. Joseph's perfect purity and virginity, possibly being immaculate, and having been assumed into Heaven. While not approved, such beliefs do carry weight when contemplating the nature of the man who God deigned to call His father on earth.

Kennedy Hall provided an interesting talk on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre as "God's Hammer" in preserving the Catholic faith against the rise of modernism and the perversion of the Sacred Liturgy. I intend to post the full speech here, so before I spoil the details, I'll leave you in suspense.

After the Gala we joined at a local friend's house to further enjoy each other's company over refreshments and cigars.
Perhaps, the following day was even better. St. Michael's Catholic Church in Roswell, GA is the parish where my oldest two children were baptized, where my wife was baptized and confirmed, and where my wife and I were married. The chapel, our old pastor, Fr. Christopher Danel, and old family friends at St. Michael's will always hold a very special place in the hearts of the Haggerty family. Going back for the Feast of the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ was the highlight of the trip.
Fr. Summers, who was visiting from Asia, celebrated the High Mass and led the parish in Benediction and Eucharistic Procession in honor of the Kingship of Christ. We processed the chapel grounds, of which will, as soon as January, see the start of a 18-24 month construction of a new Church, similar to the Romanesque styles of the Immaculata in St. Mary's, KS and Christ the King in Ridgefield, CT.
After picking up our oldest children in Alabama, we have now returned safely to Texas. Thanks be to God for our safe travels and for a gracious weekend!
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.
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