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Hiroshima Was Nuked to Ensure the Establishment of the United Nations


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Upon being presented with the draft for the United Nations President Roosevelt immediately made establishing the U.N. his number-1 postwar priority.  

While many believe that the United Nations is an international organization of countries set up in 1945 to ensure peace among nations, it in reality is the seat of the internationalist octopus that seeks to shackle man under a political world authority. Given the role the United Nations has had in destroying society with moral corruption and antilife propaganda, it is good to know something of its members and goals.


The architects and founders of the United Nations were the members of the Illuminati, a satanic network of secret society initiates committed to abolishing Christianity and enslaving the nations under an authoritarian one-world government. It was the Illuminati that founded the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921, which in turn founded the United Nations at the end of World War II.


Before its inception in 1945, it was already envisioned that the U.N. would be the Luciferian headquarters to spearhead this world government, for which reason the CFR resorted to drastic measures to make sure the U.N. was established.

Roosevelt Intentionally Provoked Japan to Attack Pearl Harbor


To this end it was prearranged that Japan would attack Pearl Harbor in order to trigger U.S. retaliation and its involvement in World War II. This would open the way to sell the idea of a world peace-keeping force that would prevent any such outbreaks in the future.

The nuking of Hiroshima-Nagasaki was already in the plan. Roosevelt deliberately arranged for Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor in 1941 knowing it would lead to the ultimate retaliation at Hiroshima.


Clearly, Roosevelt’s intention was to drag America into war. He was a 32nd degree Freemason who was committed to the destruction of America, which is why the Illuminati had placed all their stock in getting him elected.


In 1940, Roosevelt appointed CFR member Henry L. Stimson to the post of U.S. Secretary of War. Stimson met with the Roosevelt administration on November 25, 1941, after which he wrote in his diary:

"The discussion was about how we should maneuver to force the Japanese to fire the first shot, while not exposing ourselves to too great a danger.” 


Roosevelt and Stimson went out of their way to ensure that America’s Army and Navy remained completely in the dark about Japan’s forthcoming attack on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt’s silence in this matter left no doubt as to his conspiratorial intentions. Admiral Husband E. Kimmel wrote in his memoirs:


"It was part of Roosevelt's plan that no warning be sent to the Hawaiian Islands. Our leaders in Washington, who deliberately didn't inform our forces in Pearl Harbor, cannot be justified in any way. The Pearl Harbor Command wasn't informed at all.… The Army and Navy Command in the Hawaiian Islands received not even a hint.”


Meanwhile, in 1942, a clique of CFR members calling itself the Informal Political Agenda Group presented President Roosevelt with their draft for the United Nations. Roosevelt then made the establishing of the U.N. his number-1 postwar priority since his plan was to subdue America under internationalist rule.

World Terror Deliberately Created to Sell the United Nations


To effectively sell the idea of a United Nations it was crucial to first create international terror by detonating the A-bomb over Hiroshima so that the nations would beg for a world peace-keeping organization to prevent such a thing from ever happening again.


Secretary of War Henry Stimson advised President Truman of the need to attack Japan on the false grounds that Japan had refused to surrender to the U.S.  Stimson was acting on behalf of the then deceased Roosevelt and the CFR. Stimson then urged Truman to authorize the nuking of Hiroshima-Nagasaki, which took place on August 6 and 9, 1945.

Mission Accomplished


Ten weeks later, on October 24, 1945, the U.N. was officially formed and solidified as planned with worldwide applause to back it up. The deal was sealed. The U.N. would now be the Illuminati’s stronghold to seduce the nations and pave the way to their enslavement under a New World Order. This is the “Great Reset” touted by many of today’s leaders like Biden, Macron, Putin, and even Pope Francis.


While we have presented a very brief history of modern anti-American politics, we can’t help but to note a deeply spiritual source that has spoken along these lines, that being the prophetic revelations of the Virgin Mary at Bayside, New York (1970-1995).

In the message of September 13, 1975, the Holy Mother said:

“Your leader Roosevelt is in hell! … Franklin Roosevelt.”

Now we can understand why.




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