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Heaven’s Prophecies are Unfolding


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Conchita of Garabandal said that without due amends made the Chastisement cannot be avoided
Conchita of Garabandal said that without due amends made the Chastisement cannot be avoided

Prophecy has it that there is to come upon the world a great fiery chastisement consisting of the culmination of WWIII and our being planet-struck by a mysterious ball of fire sent from God. The primary source of this information is the heavenly messages of Our Lady of the Roses at Bayside transmitted through the late seer Veronica of the Cross.


During the years 1970-1995, Christ and his Holy Mother appeared to Veronica at the apparition site of Bayside in New York, and delivered to the world over 300 powerful and enlightening messages of prophecy that forewarn of the great and final events of our era that are soon to transpire.


The message speaks of a coming two-fold intervention from God consisting first of a great Warning in which God will show every person living the state of their soul. The Warning will be followed by the great and final Chastisement in which "billions will perish."

The Chastisement is a six-day event consisting of three days of nuclear WWIII immediately followed by three days of complete worldwide darkness and terror upon being planet struck by the Ball of Redemption, a fiery planetary body of supernatural origin that will collide with the earth. This six-day Chastisement will usher in the Second Coming of Christ.


In the meantime, tribulations will increase until that time when “there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now.” (Mt. 24: 21)  

Prophecies Unfolding


Many of the Bayside prophecies read like the headlines of today’s newspapers. The message of June 4, 1977, said:


“Evil is accelerating and the chastisements, minor and major, shall increase. There will be earthquakes in divers places; there will be floods and pestilence, and there will be the eruption of the elements.”


Have we not seen record floods, hurricanes, heat, eruptions, and increasing pestilence?


Again we read:


"Great elemental tragedies, disasters, man-made and God-sent upon mankind, shall increase.”

Have unprecedented tragedies and disasters not occurred even in this past year? They’re still digging out of Hurricane Helene that slammed North Carolina this past September.

In the message of March 26, 1983, Jesus and Mary prophesied that: 


“Russia plans to invade the United States with missiles.”

Have we not seen Vladimir Putin making daily threats to nuke America and the West?

On October 1, 1977, the Blessed Virgin said:

“It is the major plan of satan to bring about a complete one-world government and a one-world religion.”                                                                                                                                                         

Back in 1977, this message seemed mythical to most. Even the most learned persons dismissed it as ‘conspiracy theory,’ whereas today most any American patriot is well aware of the shadow government that is attempting to dissolve American sovereignty and bring about a one-world government.

Also, there is the prophecy of November 22, 1975, that spoke of the plan to kill a “prominent figure.”

Veronica in ecstasy was given this vision.

Veronica -- On the left side of the sky there is appearing a crescent, the sign of the crescent moon 1 ... Our Lady now is coming forward. She's dressed in a white gown, but She has about Her head a very dark covering. It's almost black. Our Lady says there will be an assassination of a very prominent figure.

Our Lady then broke in…

"This assassination will set your country in great jeopardy”

It appears that Donald Trump is the "prominent figure" mentioned in Our Lady’s prophecy. The fact that it was given on the 12th anniversary of JFK's assassination suggests that it was in reference to a future president. The prophecy appears to have been right on key since they’ve tried to Kill Donald Trump three times this year and they no doubt will keep trying.

Internal Strife in Government

In the message of October 6, 1980, the Blessed gave Veronica this prophecy:

"Your country, the United States, My child, shall have great trial--the winter and the wars. There shall be internal strife in your government, and your streets will become running with blood. It is not a sight, My child, not a pretty sight!"

Veronica-- Oh! Oh!

Our Lady--"That carnage, My child, that you view shall extend not only from the cities into the country, but from coast to coast in all of North America and the world.

It appears that this coming year is the year of "the winter and the wars" seeing Russia's repeated threats to nuke the West and the fact that the evil forces in our government are violently up in arms over Donald Trump's election and his coming inauguration. If there ever a time for a bloody fight in DC it is now.


We Need to Prepare


Suffice to say, we need to prepare because the time is at hand. Christ told his disciples that just prior to his Second Coming there will be "wars and rumors of wars" followed by that time when "nation shall rise against nation." (Mt 24: 6,7) He said that if he didn’t return "no flesh should be saved." (Mt. 24: 22) Fortunately, one-quarter of the world's population will be saved because Christ's intervention will stop the great war and worldwide turmoil.

Right now, we're witnessing the “wars and rumors of wars” (Putin's threats, etc.), which will eventually lead into the start of a major world war. Thereupon the Warning will suddenly occur to momentarily stop the wars. It will be like a time out when mankind is given one last chance to reflect and amend its course. It is during this time that the true servants of God will be signed on their foreheads (Apoc. 7: 3,4), after which the wars will resume with even greater ferocity until it culminates with nuclear WWIII and the Ball of Redemption.


In the meantime, fasten your seat belts. But remember too that all prophecy is conditional to man’s response. If America and other nations heed Heaven’s warnings to rid themselves of abortion and homosexuality the chastisement can be averted or at least mitigated, but if not, the wars will increase until we see the great war to end all wars.


We are asked to do penance and to say the daily Rosary to avert the coming chastisement. We are given the promise that all who listen to the message from Heaven will be protected and cared for in the coming days and will be saved.




1. In February 2017, satanists across America came out of the woodwork to announce their plan to cast a mass spell hex on President Trump every night of a "waning crescent moon." Their objective was to kill Trump. Note too, that the crescent moon is a symbol of the Islamic moon calendar. As of late Muslim activists in Iran have been conspiring to kill President Trump.





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