Has St. Francis’ Prophecy Come to Pass?
David Martin | The Daily Knight

With all his cajolement, charm, and pacifism, Pope Francis today is regarded by many as ”Francis the Merciful” but in time he may be remembered as “Francis the Destroyer.” Even as he now proclaims a historic jubilee for the LGBTQ community, we have blinded Catholics and even “conservatives” who are wowed by his allurements just as those who were wowed by the Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965.
What we’re seeing today is the disorder of “pope-ology” which has never been part of Catholic teaching. Some today think that their role as Catholics is to keep their eye on the pope and wait for his latest innovations, but popes were not set up as babysitters to wow and pacify the flock. 1 They were rather appointed as responsible representatives of Christ to strictly maintain doctrine and deliver the flock from secular seduction.
A great many today love Francis because they love their sins and his sanction of their sins so that they can feel excused in sinning. This is what is known as seduction. This is soul destruction, which is no mercy. Francis hasn’t ceased to cajole the faithful and especially the youth with false promises of peace and salvation regardless of their sins. According to him one can be an unrepentant homosexual or adulterer, but to them he says: “God accepts you as you are.” More than once he has said, “No one can be condemned forever” (AL 297) but words like this mislead the faithful.
Prophecy of St. Francis
It is for reason that concerned Catholics have been showing more and more openness to a prophecy given by St. Francis of Assisi in 1226 concerning a future pope. The following is taken from Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi, R. Washbourne Publishing House, 1882, pp. 248-250, with imprimatur by His Excellency William Bernard, Bishop of Birmingham. The source of this prophecy is the Opuscola (Writings) of St. Francis (1623) by Fr. Luke Wadding, recognized as history’s foremost scholar and historian on St. Francis of Assisi.
"At the time of this tribulation, a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error.... Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor, but a destroyer."
Does Francis not throw words of pro-life goodness around while avidly supporting U.N. abortion activists? According to Francis “our duty is to obey” the United Nations leaders.
Whether or not Pope Francis fulfills the above prophecy cannot be ascertained, but what is certain is that Francis is “not a true pastor, but a destroyer” who has “drawn many into error.” His personal teaching that God dignifies other religions alone testifies to his error.
We can only pray that a future pope will reverse his errors and policies and return the Church to its former position of honor as it stood before Vatican II.
1. Contrary to what some think, the flock of Christ is not left without grace and guidance just because a pope dies.
Need that question even be asked?