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Francis Travels to Canada to Apologize for the Catholic Church

David Martin | The Daily Knight

David Martin | The Daily Knight

Angered indigenous communities of Canada are accusing Catholic missionaries of having contributed to the "cultural genocide" of generations of indigenous children by suppressing their religious culture through Christian instruction.

Pope Francis arrived in Canada on July 24 to begin a 6-day “penitential journey” to apologize to indigenous communities for the way the Catholic Church dispelled and liberated their ancestors from indigenous superstition.

In a speech in Maskwacis before a crowd of indigenous Canadian people on July 25, Francis apologized for the Catholic Church’s role in bringing much of Canada’s government-sponsored residential school system up to Christian code against the wishes of certain indigenous groups.

“I am here because the first step of my penitential pilgrimage among you is that of again asking forgiveness, of telling you once more that I am deeply sorry for the ways in which, regrettably, many Christians supported the colonizing mentality of the powers that oppressed (converted) the indigenous peoples. I am sorry. I ask forgiveness, in particular, for the ways in which many members of the Church and of religious communities cooperated in projects of cultural 1 destruction and forced assimilation [with Christianity].”

Francis Endorses Pagan Spiritualities

At Sacred Heart Church in Edmonton on July 25, the pope continued his lamentation over the conversion of Indians.

“It pains me to think that Catholics contributed to policies of assimilation and disenfranchisement that inculcated a sense of inferiority — robbing communities and individuals of their cultural and spiritual identity, severing their roots.”

Note that Francis here explicitly endorses other ‘spiritual identities,’ which is heresy. The Church recognizes no spirituality other than that of Christ in the Catholic Church.

The Church did Well in Canada

That the Church exerted its influence for the edification and betterment of the schools in Canada should be a cause of admiration and praise, but instead Francis talks it down. He alleges that the Church infringed on the indigenous Indian culture, but he should know that any elements of culture that contradict the Christian Faith—be it cultism, witchcraft, smudging, scalping, child sacrifice—are shameful and worthy of condemnation. The Church has a solemn duty to clean up any such elements of culture from the earth, i.e. to civilize it, but Francis says, ‘No, long live feathers and totem poles and away with the Traditional Latin Mass.’ What he has done is to apologize for the Catholic religion, not for any misrepresentation thereof.

Edmonton Church Desecrated

Francis’ tour of apology included his participation in the pagan ritual of “smudging.” One such ceremony took place on July 24 in Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Edmonton, Canada, as the people awaited the arrival of the pope. The indigenous formula of appeasing pagan gods—processing (into the Church) holding a bowl of smoldering cedar, sage, sweetgrass, and tobacco—was employed as a means of “purifying” the Church of “evil spirits.”

Francis and the Bishops Invoke Dark Spirits of the Occult

Francis himself participated in a smudging ritual during his July 28 visit to Quebec in which he and the Canadian bishops invoked the ‘sacred circle of spirits,’ which of course were demons. The ceremony was preceded by a lengthy speech in which Francis expressed “deep shame and sorrow” over the “cultural destruction” wrought by the Catholic Church in Canada. The rite was intended as “a ritual of purification” in which “mother earth” is prayed to as a planetary deity.

The ceremonial, which was attended by a number of high ranking Catholic prelates including Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, opened with an elder from the Huron-Wendat nation initiating what is known as a ritual “smudge to the four directions,” using sweetgrass and animal feathers to waft smoke around the room.

The elder explained that he would “light the sweetgrass and make my link with the four directions” and then take “the sweetgrass to Pope Francis and a feather from a wild turkey, which is an element of survival” stressing that it is “important that Pope Francis receive this sweetgrass and this feather to participate in the smudge to the four directions.”

The Pope was then presented with a turkey feather and sweetgrass, which he took from the elder who then asked all to participate in a “circle in spirit” from which “we can visualize a sacred fire” that “unites everything that exists in creation.”

The elder then proclaimed:

“We will honor earth, wind, water, and fire. We will honor the mineral aspect, the vegetable aspect, and the human aspect.”

Needless to say, Jesus Christ didn’t come to earth to teach this diabolical magic but to deliver us from it. What the pope and bishops participated in was a form of pagan witchcraft that is condemned by the Church. The ritual, which mimics the use of Catholic sacraments and sacramentals “is a clear act of pagan superstition” (LifeSiteNews), reminiscent of the pope’s veneration of the pagan Pachamama idol at the Vatican in October 2019.

Francis Explicitly Approves Pagan Superstition

Francis explicitly endorsed these paganistic rituals, stating that “the Holy See and the local Catholic communities are concretely committed to promoting the indigenous cultures through specific and appropriate forms of spiritual accompaniment that include attention to their cultural traditions, customs, languages and educational processes, in the spirit of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

Apparently, Francis has forgotten or is not aware that the United Nations is a diabolical organization that was founded by a group of Satanists (Illuminati) for the purpose of abolishing Christianity and enslaving humanity under a tyrannical one-world government.

Following the smudging ritual, Francis delivered a speech condemning “ideological colonization,” lamenting a past “colonialist mentality” which he said “disregarded the concrete life of people and imposed certain predetermined cultural modes.”

That is to say, Francis condemned the Catholic Church’s commission from Christ to convert and civilize indigenous peoples so that they can be saved. So much for his mercy for man.

True and False Man of the Pontificate

We will note the difference between a true and counterfeit man of the pontificate. Traditionally, when a pope travels to a foreign country he offers a Pontifical High Mass to draw the blessings of Almighty God upon that country for its conversion and protection, whereas Francis has travelled across the globe to participate in indigenous witchcraft practices to “repair” to indigenous peoples for their having been presented with the Catholic Faith. As he sees it, any attempt to convert indigenous people is a rude infringement on their “sacred rite” that must be “atoned for,” so he has joined Canadian Indians in invoking the dark spirits of the occult—devils and demons—to appease their gods and “cleanse” Canada of Catholicism.

Profanation of Religion

The participation of the pope and bishops in this smudging ceremony constitutes a heinous profanation of the Church, which calls to mind Francis’ hair-raising stunt of October 2019 when he and several cardinals danced and offered incense to the earth-idol Pachamama in St. Peter’s Basilica to “repair” for the “sins” committed against the planet.

We will note that it was only weeks later that the COVID epidemic ravaged the Diocese of Bergamo, Italy, where the prayer to Pachamama was composed by the Italian Episcopal Conference. Bergamo was the epicenter of the COVID plague where people were literally dropping like flies—a glaring testament of the divine wrath invoked by Francis’ Pachamama worship.

Bleak Omen for Canada

One has to wonder what is store for Canada, a country that is already under the shackles of socialist tyranny. Invoking dark spirits can only bring darkness upon a country. Francis’ visit could be the last straw that sets into motion Canada’s full capitulation to Communist forces. His cordial greeting of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was nothing less than bewildering.

When have we ever seen Pope Francis go out of his way to publicly shake the hand of Prolife heroes like President Trump, Ron DeSantis, David Daleiden, or Archbishop Vigano? Never! Instead, he travels across the globe to shake the hand of the infamous Justin Trudeau, a Communist puppet and son of Fidel Castro, who is wholly committed to stripping Canadians of their Christian freedoms and who enacts wicked laws empowering homosexuals, abortionists, indigenous scalpers, and murderous vaccine pushers. Publicly shaking Trudeau’s hand sends the message throughout the world that Trudeau is a worthy man who Canadians should listen to. It appears that a key reason for Francis’ visit to Canada was to dignify Trudeau before the people.

Francis Dignifies the Indigenous

But especially, he was in Canada to dignify the ingratitude of indigenous savages who protest the work of Christ to enrich and civilize their people. The Church’s commission from Christ is to bring the Faith to all peoples that they may leave things indigenous (occultism, violence) and embrace things eternal, so Francis isn’t just apologizing for the Canadian missionaries but for all the saints of history that have engaged in this type of missionary work.

According to Francis, St. Patrick was an oppressive “colonialist” for converting the people of Ireland and St. Junipero Serra was a bully for imposing his own “colonialist” spirituality on the native Indians of California. Apologizing for the Church’s mission to convert indigenous peoples is a glaring denial of Christ.

Let Francis consider Christ’s admonition to those who deny him thus.

“Everyone therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10: 32,33)

1. Francis here is referencing to the Church’s role in civilizing the Indians of Canada against their primitive inclinations.


Addendum to Article: Discovery of Unmarked Graves a Sham

Ahead of his arrival in Canada, Pope Francis announced his hope that the trip “might contribute to the journey of reconciliation,” referencing allegations of abuse against indigenous children as well as the supposed discovery of unmarked graves at once Catholic Church-run residential schools.

It is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been spreading lies that the Catholic Church somehow was involved with the slaughter and burial of Indian children in unmarked graves in the early 20th century. The allegation is absurd and unfounded. Reports can’t even verify if the children were White or Indian while others suggest the deaths were from the outbreak of epidemics. For all we know the Indians killed the children and now Trudeau and his savage minions are using this to frame the Church, alleging that Catholic missionaries yielded the hatchet.

Trudeau's fake allegations should be dismissed at once.


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