Francis: Transgenders, Homosexuals can be Baptized and serve as Parents to have Children Baptized
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Pope Francis embraces DDF Prefect Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez who "teaches" that transgenders can be baptized
If a man expressed his resolution that he would continue in the future to rape women and steal cars and then the pope hearing of this said that such a man may adopt and baptize children and be baptized himself, would this pope not show himself to be criminally insane?
Pope Francis has done worse. LifeSiteNews now reports:
"Pope Francis has approved a text drawn up by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández attesting that 'transgender' individuals can be godparents for the sacrament of Baptism, as well as allowing homosexual 'parents' to have their children baptized."
Yes, the "pope" is saying that transgenders and homosexuals can be baptized and can adopt and baptize children. He's saying these offenders deserve the blessing of the Church and that the grace of baptism can be bestowed on children whom they will sodomize from their infancy so they can make them the children of Hell.
LGBT is More Criminal than Rape, Theft
Note that rape and grand theft auto are not among the four sins crying to heaven for vengeance, but homosexuality / transgenderism are. LGBT is more offensive in God's eyes. It would make more sense to baptize a habitual rapist or thief than to baptize a transgender, yet Francis fully approves the idea that "a transsexual individual could receive Baptism with the same ease as anyone else." (LifeSiteNews)
Speaking on behalf of Francis, LGBT sympathizer Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez defends this point, saying:
"Such a person who had also undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery – can receive baptism, under the same conditions as other believers, if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or disorientation among the faithful.”
That makes as much sense as saying that a violent man with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other "can receive baptism, under the same conditions as other believers, if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal.” The state of being homosexual or transgender is the scandal. This is what generates disorientation just as it has generated a disoriented Vatican hierarchy.
The Catholic Bishops Need to Speak Up
Our Catholic bishops and cardinals have a grave responsibility to openly oppose these crimes against the Faith, but unfortunately a false prudence is detaining them from speaking out against Francis and his aberrations. Under the illusion of observing proper 'protocol' and expressing 'dubias' of diplomacy they are demonstrating a crippling fear of carrying out their duties for the Church as God expects.
What is needed is for a committee of bishops, if not all the bishops, to publicly condemn Francis' heresies without pulling any punches and if they can bring themselves so far, they should launch an investigation into the election of Pope Francis because such a move no doubt would unveil the crux of the matter—that the election of Francis was illegitimate.
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.
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