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Francis Slams Candidates' Antilife Convictions to Cover his own Convictions


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Pope Francis is pointing fingers at Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for their *pro-abortion stance, the irony being that Francis has a history of collaborating with antilife people. He says we have to choose between the lesser of two evils in the upcoming presidential election, insinuating that Kamala Harris is the lesser of the two despite her fanatical pro-abortion position.

As Francis sees it, the great crime against humanity is banning illegal immigration, which he equates with abortion, if he even he equates it. He never admonished abortionists Lillian Ploumen and Emma Bonino about their fanatical pursuits to push worldwide abortion but rather called Bonino “one of Italy’s forgotten greats” and awarded Ploumen the prestigious Order of St. Gregory Award just after she had raised 300 $million for International Planned Parenthood to aid their murder campaign.

Francis is only lumping Kamala together with Trump to smear his reputation, but he's not truly against Kamala. “Slamming” her antilife convictions only serves to cover his own antilife convictions.


Let us not forget that Francis supported pro-death Joe Biden who the globalists used to spearhead their plan for a tyrannical world government that targets the unborn. Biden had vowed to remove every restriction to abortion if he was elected, yet Francis was fine with it. Francis’ no. 1 priority is U.N. climate action, which is all about depopulating the planet to "sustain" its life.   


And let us not forget that Francis has repeatedly invited U.N. abortion advocates like Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki moon to lecture the Vatican concerning its “duty” to help make “Mother Earth” a safer place through population-control (abortion). On October 28, 2019, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences partnered with U.N. pro-abortion advocates to pledge fidelity to the antilife Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) championed by socialist rebels like George Soros, Bill Gates, and Jeffrey Sachs.


Francis: Our Duty is to Obey the Globalists

People like Gates and Sachs are committed to assisting the U.N. in its worldwide push for abortion, LGBT rights, children’s rights, transgenderism, transhumanism, BLM riots, the toppling of President Trump and the destruction of America. According to Francis, “our duty is to obey” these globalists.

In 2015, Francis said: “There is urgent need of a true world political authority” (Laudato Si’) and he later accentuated this in September 2019, saying:

“When we acknowledge international organizations and we recognize their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations – If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey … We must obey international institutions. This is why the United Nations were created.”

Francis Mocked Opponents of Covid Lockdowns

Francis followed through by “exhorting” the masses to abide by globalist directives to lock down in response to Coronavirus and had gone so far as to mock those who voiced opposition to the Covid lock-downs. In a book-length interview with atheist and leftist Vatican journalist Austen Ivereigh, Francis lashed out against those who protested the lock-downs, saying: 

“You’ll never find such people protesting the death of George Floyd, or joining a demonstration because there are shantytowns where children lack water or education, or because there are whole families who have lost their income.” 

Francis blunders here since these opponents protested the lockdowns through which “whole families have lost their income” resulting in cities becoming “shantytowns” lacking education for the young. This is why they were protesting. Their children were deprived of good things like parks to play in and couldn’t even get a drink of water at the local drinking fountain because of all the "red tape" wrapped around them. Why didn’t the pope defend these children?


And why did he defend George Floyd, a man with a criminal record who threatened to shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach? The answer: Francis listens to globalists, not to God. Globalists are tyrants that operate under the guise of compassion, and these are the people Francis collaborates with.


Francis Equates Abortion with Banning Illegal Immigration

Francis is exhorting Americans to choose between “the lesser of two evils, pointing out that Kamala at least welcomes illegals from south of the border, which Trump does not. He’s insinuating that Trump is the worst of the two.

Is Francis secretly pushing Kamala Harris for president?


*Trump has always been staunchly prolife but has recently backslided out of exasperation and as a political plug for votes.





1 Comment

Joe Boudreault
Joe Boudreault
Sep 14, 2024

I agree, David. Thank you.

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