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Francis Says ‘Divine Inspiration’ is ‘Present in all Religions’

David Martin | The Daily Knight

In his closing remarks at this year’s ‘international prayer meeting for peace’ organized by the Sant ’Egidio Community, Pope Francis stressed unity between the world’s religions and said that ‘Divine inspiration’ is ‘present in every faith.’  

Here again we see Francis making up his own ideas in direct contravention of Church teaching. God does not abide in other religions, nor does he engender their activities, but he abides only within the Catholic Church that he founded.

And while there are people of other religions who demonstrate light and charity (as prolifers, good Samaritans) it is only because the God of the Catholic Church reaches out from his temple and gently draws these people to himself. This grace and inspiration is not present in other churches but comes from the Catholic Church.

Our duty as Catholics is to assist Christ in converting these people to the Faith, which is the very thing that Francis is against. He has repeatedly insisted that we not attempt to convert outsiders, saying this is ‘intrusive’ and ‘egoistic.’ Thereby, he denies the very mission of the Church.

For a Catholic prelate to believe or teach that God works through other religions renders him heretical and places him outside the Catholic Church. The Church has already decreed on this issue, leaving no room for arguments, opinions, or personal interjections.

The Church dogmatically teaches:

There is one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is neither salvation nor remission of sins.


-- Unam Sanctam, Papal Bull of Boniface VIII




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