Francis Enticing U.S. Bishops to Undermine Trump’s Immigration Policy
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Pope Francis again has lashed out against President Trump's policy of guarding our borders and deporting those who enter the U.S. illegally. On February 10, he sent a letter to the U.S bishops on immigration in an apparent attempt to politicize them and turn them against Trump. Never once does he acknowledge the illegal status of the hordes of people forcibly migrating northward from Mexico into the U.S.
“The rightly formed conscience cannot fail to make a critical judgment and express its disagreement with any measure that tacitly or explicitly identifies the illegal status of some migrants with criminality.”
What the pope is saying is that anyone who violates immigration law is not a criminal. Yet, it’s an absolute fact that “some migrants” (and in fact many) are known criminals. Journalist Phil Lawler comments on this.
“That claim is not only illogical but hypocritical, since less than a month ago the Vatican—of which Pope Francis is the supreme legislator—raised the criminal penalties for anyone who enters the city-state illegally, allowing for four-year prison terms and fines of about $25,000.”
So, Francis can jail illegals but we have to welcome them? Francis erroneously states that those migrating from the south are doing so out of ‘need and suffering’ and he inappropriately compares the drug cartels leaving Mexico to the exile of the of the Holy Family of Nazareth from the cruelty of King Herod.
“The family of Nazareth in exile, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, emigrants in Egypt and refugees there to escape the wrath of an ungodly king, are the model, the example and the consolation of emigrants and pilgrims of every age and country.”
What Francis somehow is forgetting is that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph didn’t have weapons on their caravan, nor did they break the law.
He also inappropriately compares the Mexican drug cartel advance to the Israelites’ exodus from the Egyptian bondage.
“The journey from slavery to freedom that the People of Israel traveled, as narrated in the Book of Exodus, invites us to look at the reality of our time, so clearly marked by the phenomenon of migration.”
So the Israelites that marched out of Egypt were illegal immigrants? Nay, the Israelites were not armed with weapons, nor did they seek to make trouble for neighboring countries, break God’s law, or engage in drug traffic and prostitution. The Israelites’ exodus from Egypt had nothing to do with illegal immigration.
Francis’ idea that the Trump Administration is unkind to migrants is untrue and unjust. America has always welcomed immigrants from every country and Trump supports this. His own wife is an immigrant, which testifies to his welcoming attitude toward migrants.
Rules and Regulations Must Be Followed
However, rules and regulations must be followed. No one has a right to just walk into our country without being vetted. Immigrants who show disloyalty and disrespect for America should be barred from this country.
What Francis advocates is illegal immigration. As he sees it, nations have a ‘duty’ to open their borders to everyone as if they were entitled to illegal entry, but this breaches Church teaching.
Church Teaching on Immigration
The Catholic Church teaches that nations have a right and duty to guard their borders from illegal entry. This would especially apply if migrants are hostile and armed. Heaven agrees with Trump and disagrees with Francis because Trump is seeing to the safety of his people, which is true mercy. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that in the same way a father’s first obligation is to his family, a government’s first obligation is to its people.
Some were outraged on February 15 when Donald Trump wrote in a social media post that "he who saves his country does not violate any law." All he is saying is that he who acts with true loyalty doesn’t violate any law in the process because it is done with charity.
Bringing it home, it means that if guarding our borders from danger means having to take down a few heads in the process it doesn’t violate any law because it is done in defense of country for the safety of its people.
Ulterior Motives
Francis’ attack on Trump actually has nothing to do with welcoming people with open arms but is grounded in his contempt for American Capitalism, which is a communist attitude. More than once he has said, “It is the Communists who think like the Christians.”
The exemplary Bishop Joseph Strickland comments on the political agenda of Francis’ charge against the Trump Administration.
“Pope Francis’s objection to Trump’s immigration policies reflects a political agenda rather than a doctrinal stance, undermining the legitimate authority of the U.S. to enforce its own laws in pursuit of order and national stability.”
What is alarming is that Francis encourages the idea of opening our borders to the Mexican drug cartels knowing very well they are armed with guns and weapons. Certainly, a man of such political keenness must know of the Marxist plan to launch a red invasion from the south.
Illegal Immigration Generated by the Communists
Since the 80s Nicaragua has been a center point for the capitulation of the U.S. and Canada. For years there have been plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and dire instruments of destruction. These plans have been formulated from Central America, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States.
Naturally, it is Communist Russia that has generated this invasive plot. In recent years the plan has been to get the momentum going at our southern border in what they call “immigration reform” but what we’ve really seen is a planned invasion in the works.
Naturally, they’ll throw plenty of women and children on the cartels to soften up our sleepy leaders to help sell the idea along. But too, the socialists deliberately arrange for women to be on the cartels because part of their plan is to get the Latinos to ‘lay their eggs’ in our country in order to hatch violence at home. For this reason, they also arrange for children to migrate north because they know that many of them will get recruited into gangs. The parents know very well they are breaking the law by joining these drug caravans. This is criminal.
What the Mexican cartels have brought into America is prostitution, drug traffic, gang warfare, and murder. Over 11,000 convicted murderers from the south have entered America illegally as Mexico and other countries have been dumping their prisons into our country, yet Francis says nothing. He says that America must ‘open its borders to the poor and the homeless’ yet he won’t give a morsel to the poor and homeless sitting outside his Vatican. He says we must never build a wall around our country, yet he has built an impenetrable wall around his Vatican.
Trump’s border czar Tom Homan, who is Catholic, points out the Vatican’s hypocrisy by pointing to its fortified walls and strict laws against unauthorized entry.
“They have a wall around the Vatican. If you illegally enter the Vatican, the crime is serious. You'll be charged with a serious crime and jailed," Homan said. "So [the Pope] can protect the Vatican where he lives, but Americans aren't allowed to do that?”
Homan argues that securing the U.S.-Mexico border would prevent human trafficking, drug smuggling, and migrant deaths.
Immigration is not even a religious issue so a pope shouldn’t be making issue of it. However, if he’s going to speak on immigration the least he can do is get it right. The Church has never spoken against a country closing its borders to illegals or deporting those who enter illegally but has always encouraged a secure border for the safety of all. Francis’ repeated reference to ‘the equal dignity of all’ is just another way of saying we should have a borderless one-world government where all nations are stripped of their sovereignty and their rights to protect themselves. A borderless one-world government is what U.N. globalists and communists promote for the enslavement of all.
Popes Must Stay Out of Politics
If the pope was truly focused on the Church's mission of mercy he would never support a NWO. Yea, he'd keep his nose out of politics and fix his Church that's being overrun today with evil. Rome has become a sodomite merry-go-round that is murdering its souls with LGBT ideology, which is no mercy. That's the end "fruit" of DEI. Inclusion doctrine is communist, not Christian. Christ's Spouse [the Church] must lock the world from her midst. She can't play the harlot and flirt with other religions and then be Christ's Spouse at the same time. The Church must lock its borders to the world, the flesh, and the devil, and welcome only those who are humble and contrite.
The U.S. government should follow suit by locking out troublemakers and allowing entry only to those who show themselves to be humble and respectful of the American flag.
Very good article.thanks!