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Extra Terrestrial Deception Alienating Man From God and Ushering in the 'Mark'


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Elon Musk insists that he is an alien

It is held by many that science has made great strides forward to bring us to a more "enlightened" world. This indeed can apply to discoveries in science when seen through the lens of Christianity, but it in no way applies to modern crackpot theories like evolution, the "big bang," or extra-terrestrial aliens. These are highly subjective and unfounded ideas with no scientific backing. This is the type of learning we find on the back of a cereal box. These darkened, science-fiction theories are rooted in original sin.   


Original man possessed the knowledge of the ages but upon his fall through disobedience, the human race immediately lost light and grace. This in turn gave birth to moral and intellectual disorder on earth. Adam and Eve lost both their intellectual capacities and virtues, and were now also subject to things like tiredness, illness, perspiration, and labor pains, which result from original sin.


Prior to the fall, our first parents had the capacities of angels and were completely enlightened as to "the disposition of the whole world, and the virtues of the elements, The beginning, and ending, and midst of the times, the alterations of their courses, and the changes of seasons, The revolutions of the year, and the dispositions of the stars, The natures of living creatures, and rage of wild beasts, the force of winds, and reasonings of men, the diversities of plants, and the virtues of roots." (Wisdom 7:17-20) This knowledge was supernaturally infused into them at the time of their creation.

Atheistic Science Reflects Utter Ignorance


It was man's darkened mentality after the fall that gave birth to darkened theories such as those mentioned above -- theories that are grounded in pride and ingratitude. In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul rebukes those who have indisputable evidence of the Creation before their eyes but who with stiff-necked pride deny it. 


"For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable." (Romans 1:20)


In the Psalms, we read of how the Creation speaks of the truth and glory of God better than any words can begin to express.


“The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of his hands. Day to day uttereth speech, and night to night sheweth knowledge. There are no speeches nor languages, where their voices are not heard.” (Psalms 18:2-4) 

That is, their voices are so clear and resounding throughout the universe that all other speeches in comparison are mute or nonexistent as it were. Therefore, those who deafen their ears to this voice under the guise of learning show themselves to be absolute fools and ignoramuses. St. Paul speaks of such people.


"Their foolish heart was darkened. For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1: 21,22) 


A key fault of 1 such people is that they build up their theories with absolutely nothing to back them up. It’s all guesswork and lunacy with no fact.

UFO Aliens are Demons from the Abyss


For example, many today entertain the fantasy of extra-terrestrial aliens as if this was an established fact when in fact there isn’t a thread of evidence to support it. What they call aliens in flying saucers are in fact demons from the abyss in transport. Oh they exist, yes, but they are devils from Hell on mission to delude the populace concerning the origin of man so that man will forget about Adam and Eve and relate to fantasy beings that exist outside of God.


But in the final analysis, it is Satan’s indirect way of getting man to honor him instead of God. There is a plan among U.N. globalists and NASA to bring about a state of emergency on earth through revolution and a planned monetary crash so that these demons can ‘come to our rescue’ and end the crisis so that they can be hailed as saviors of the world.


And who has set himself up as ambassador to the alien world but Elon Musk who insists that he is an alien! He is ambassador to UFO demons, not to extra-terrestrial “Martians,” and he knows it very well. The plan is to have “aliens” come to our rescue, but it is Musk who would be credited for this. If this Luciferian plan in fact materializes (because of our lack of prayer) the time could be approaching when the U.S. DOGE secretary will be hailed as savior of the world (Apoc. 13:11-14).


Remember, Elon Musk is into chipping people, so what does that tell us? And too, he lived with a satanic witch [Grimes], so what does that tell us? Through craft he has also been attempting to control our nation’s Treasury. If he can control our money, he could then block our access to money if we don’t comply with globalist guidelines to accept the chip. St. John’s Apocalypse speaks of the false prophet of the last times who will have a mark implanted on people’s foreheads or hands.


“And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.” (Apoc. 13:16-18)

The Mark of the Beast today is understood to be the chip that globalists for years have been planning to implant in people. But we the people have the power in our hands (the Holy Rosary) to offset this sinister plan. Mary is stronger than the devil since she is the one who crushes the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15), so if we align ourselves to Mary through the Rosary, we can defeat the devil’s plan or at least hold it off.


In the meantime, President Trump needs to be warned to break it clean with anyone who calls himself an alien (demon) and who behaves like one. Elon’s claim of being conservative is only a front to gain Trump’s confidence. While he has the chance, the President should cut it clean with him lest he take over his administration.




1. While those on the lower step are deluded with these fantasies, deep state architects behind the scene are well aware that there are no such thing as ‘aliens,’ evolution, or the ‘big bang.’ They only promote these ideas to bring about the ruin of man because they are Freemasons and members of the Illuminati.




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