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Despise Not Prophecies


David Martin | The Daily Knight

A good litmus test for assessing the spirituality of society is its response to the prophets that God sends. When society turns a cold shoulder to heavenly prophecies like those given at Fatima, Garabandal, and Bayside, it is a good indication that society is not attuned to God.


It was for reason that St. Paul exhorted us thus: “Despise not prophecies.” (1 Thess. 5:20)


The world has always tended to deride the supernatural and we see this spiritual epidemic reaching unprecedented heights today. Many scorn the messages of private revelation because they see these tokens of goodness as an unwanted interference into their lives. Their obsession with riches, acclaim, and worldly acquisition causes them to deride the true gold of Heaven as they run after fool’s gold thinking it is gain.   


The world today is degenerating under the illusion of progress. Satan has managed to give society a ‘complex’ about virtue and true values as people run after money, sex, fun, and the art of being ‘worldly smart.’ They see this as a successful leap forward not realizing it is a backward vice whereby they become their own worst enemies. 

Gist of the Fatima Third Secret


This false glory is no less prevalent within the Church. Worldly and small-minded pursuits have all but replaced adherence to holy tradition as we see the faithful today flowing with the times at the behest of their clergy. This misguidance into darkness was prophesied in the Third Secret of Fatima.


The gist of the Secret was that Satan would capture and possess cardinals at the highest levels of the Church and would use them to misguide the Church but in such a way that this would be done under the illusion of divine guidance. What many would call the Holy Spirit guiding the Church to a glorious renewal would in fact be the devil driving the church into darkness.   


This darkness of apostasy indeed has arrived, which in turn has deprived the world of light, fulfilling the words of Our Lady at La Salette: “The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay.” (1846)

Fruits of Suppressing Private Revelation


What is tragic is that the present ecclesial eclipse is taken for light and a key reason is because our Church leaders have done everything in their power to *silence the Third Secret that warned of this false light. Sr. Lucy of Fatima referred to this as the coming “diabolical disorientation.” The wide body of the church today no longer discerns the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, perverse and normal, this largely being the result of having suppressed private revelation (Third Secret).


Diabolical Disorientation


Instead, we see the church today praising the works of darkness, as we have women overrunning the altar and homosexuals spreading their shame, all done with the blessing of the bishops who call it “the work of God.” The Church has been reduced to a humanist merry-go-round to advance all manner of abominable diversions like the Charismatics, contemporary guitar Mass, youth ministry, gay encounter, ecumenism, indigenous idol worship, heresy seminars, etc., all of which spell rebellion. The Psalmist described these times perfectly. “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Psalms 13:3)  

The prophet Isaias likewise spoke of these times: “They have transgressed the laws, they have changed the ordinance, they have broken the everlasting covenant.” (Isaias 24:5)


St. Paul warned, “In the last days shall come dangerous times.” (2 Tim 3:1) “For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” (2 Tim. 4:3)


Those days indeed are upon us, the writing is on the walls. What is bewildering is that even after God sends us latter-day prophets to warn of the urgent need to return to tradition, the modernist clergy plug their ears and refuse to listen. Like Pharisees, they continue bowing to their golden calf of Vatican II, so obstinate are they in their insatiable quest for change. 

Christ made it clear:


“Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a child, shall not enter into it.” (Luke 18:17) See here that only a childlike submission to doctrine and tradition can save us.


The bottom line is that when the prophets speak, we are bound to listen. “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) St. John the Baptist exhorted the people with words of prophecy, saying, “Do penance: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mt. 3:2) 


Advent is a Time of Penance


Advent is especially a time to do penance, being a season of penance, yet it’s gotten to the point that if people don’t hit the stores on Black Friday, put antlers on their cars, or attend the Christmas party at work, they feel they missed Christmas. Advent is a time to purify ourselves for the coming of the Messiah that we may be found worthy to kneel before the manger on Christmas Day.


Falling to our knees before the Saviour this Christmas would be an effective way to avert or at least mitigate the coming Chastisement foretold by many latter-day prophets. Heeding their words indeed would be the best way to proceed during these precarious and closing days of 2024.




* Though the Secret has been leaked out to a few. Providence has arranged this as part of Christ’s plan to save his Church from utter destruction.










2 Σχόλια

Franci King
Franci King
24 Δεκ 2024

Laymen don't belong on the Altar any more than laywomen. Catholic men, like you, denigrate women to prop up your weak male ego. You conveniently ignore the vices of straight males, like drunkenness, drug abuse, domestic abuse-physical or verbal, gambling, greed, pornography, adultery and criminality. You blame everyone, but your own peer group. #Egotism.

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Paulo Elliot
Paulo Elliot
28 Δεκ 2024
Απάντηση σε

My "peer group" is the Catholic Church, the only unbigoted group on earth, which is not man's group but that founded by Christ who created you, whom you blame and resist like a Pharisee. Looks like we hit a nerve, eh! Laymen indeed do not belong on the altar, but especially women, because they are women who are not equal to men, but under man ("the weaker vessel"). The woman must always submit to the man's authority, whether in the Church, the home, or in society. St. Paul makes it clear: "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith.... For it is a shame…

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