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DEI Subverting Church and State


David Martin | The Daily Knight

A term that is gaining more and more notoriety today is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). That's just a fancy euphemism to signify openness to Communism. Under the guise of fairness, the advocates of DEI feign openness to diverse convictions, whereas their whole point is to infiltrate society with communist ideology and to impose openness to that. The socialists have put great stock in seeping into every channel of our geopolitical structure that the nations might fall from grace and capitulate to the tyranny of a borderless one-world government. Whether it's in the schools or the courts, among our leaders and lawmakers, or even in the Church, we see this virulent red agenda permeating everywhere. Everything from “trans-rights” to “reproductive rights” to “critical race theory” fall under the tag of DEI.  

In 1917, the Blessed Virgin warned at Fatima that if the Church didn't do its part to convert Communist Russia this same Russia would spread its errors throughout the world and even into the Church. She was speaking of the errors of communist indoctrination that would pollute and replace Christian teachings so that both Church and state would fall and lead to their captivity under world governance. 

Clenched Fist Being Applied Doctrinally


Hence, what we are seeing today is the Leninist clenched fist applied in a doctrinal context. Our educational system has been reduced to a political forum to indoctrinate people with error and sinful pollution, and this brainwashing campaign hasn’t stopped at the front door of the Church.

The dark force generating this indoctrination is Satan, the Prince of Darkness, who has set up his stronghold today in the Eternal City. This fulfills the Blessed Virgin's prophecy at La Salette:  "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of Antichrist." (1846)

Pope Paul VI, on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of his coronation, spoke of this dark force upon the Church when he declared: "From some fissure the smoke of satan entered into the temple of God." On that occasion he was speaking on Vatican II and making the point that Satan entered the Church through the Council, which should have been a heads-up for the hierarchy to lock their doors against this influence. The Church indeed must guard its borders and not allow worldly influence to enter!  


Open Door Policy From Satan


Now at the top of Satan’s to-do-list is LGBT political agenda. Through the agents of communism Satan is pushing the idea that the clergy must “open their doors” and be welcoming of homosexuals and every diverse stripe of offender. And of course, this is all done under the pretext of mercy in order to sell the idea. The Vatican’s whole obsession today is to swing the Church’s doors wide open to every influence, religion, and cause (except holy tradition) and to embrace this diversity with open arms, but what the bishops are failing to understand is that Satan has deluded them into welcoming evil so that he can use them as blind guides to infect the Church with germs and make the faithful spiritually sick.

This invasion into the Christian domain hasn’t ended with the Church but is being applied today at our borders in order to infect America with social ills. Simple common sense will tell us that opening our borders to illegals spells the death knell for America. In an interview with Tucker Carlson last month, Trump's border czar Tom Homan revealed that 300,000 foreign children have been smuggled into the U.S. and dispatched to be on their own with no provisions to speak of. The objective of the smugglers is to use the kids for child prostitution and also to turn them into thieves since they know that these children in their want will be tempted to go out and steal.

Even so, Rome is insisting that we open our borders to this scandal. Francis and his Vatican know very well what has been pouring through our borders, yet they have lambasted President Trump for his good efforts to lock danger out of our country. 

What the Mexican cartels have brought into America is prostitution, drug traffic, gang warfare, and murder. Over 11,000 convicted murderers from the south have entered America illegally as Mexico and other countries have been dumping their prisons into our country, yet Francis says nothing. Instead, he has verbally condemned Trump for locking our borders to this influence, even calling it a "disgrace."

If acting responsibly is a disgrace, what shall we make of the LGBT merry-go-round that is polluting his Vatican? Homosexuality is what has spawned all the sexual abuse in the Church yet Francis has gone out of his way to "include" LGBT corruption among his ranks. This is what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion amount to—corruption. DEI is the primary ploy being used by the communists to destroy Church and State that they may be chained in darkness. The Holy Virgin prophesied this blight in her apparitions at La Salette, when she said:


“The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay” (1846)






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