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Communism Works Through the Democratic Party


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Many today believe that the Democratic Party works in the best interests of the people, when in fact it is a key vehicle of the communists to rob and oppress the people. Under the guise of 'democracy' and 'helping the common man' communists push their dictatorial agenda. It's but a smokescreen to conceal their totalitarian plan to establish communistic world control.  


By nature, the Democratic Party is Leninist. Many think that Lenin was a friend of the working-class (Proletariat) when in fact he used them to bring down the government so that he could establish his Soviet dictatorship. Lenin had no regard for the Proletariat, and many were murdered by him after he came to power.

Socialists Hold High Positions in Our Government


Trained Communists now hold some of the highest positions in our government. Among them is Kamala Harris. What Lenin was to the Russian working-class Kamala is to the disgruntled working class and to the freeloaders breaking through our southern border. As she sees it, the impoverished and the dissatisfied are just useful idiots to assist her communistic aspirations to bring down America, because Kamala is a communist as is her father Donald Harris who taught Marxism at Stanford University. 


The infamous Marxist and Satanist Saul Alinsky would frequently tell his trainees, "Always rub the raw sores of discontent." The communists in our government have applied this tactic for decades in a relentless effort to instigate revolution at home. Whether it's the poor, the discontented, or black people trying to forget the social slave stigma, the communists are right there pricking their sores to anger the people and instigate riots. 


And they'll even create sores where there never were sores. They'll tell contented Indians and Hispanics, "Go claim the land back that America robbed you of!" They'll tell spoiled feminists, "Fight for your rights to abort your child, don't let America oppress you anymore!" They'll tell the LGBT community, "You've been oppressed and have a right to freely express your orientation, fight for your rights!"


Unfortunately, people take it bait, line, and sinker, and a key reason is because we have people like Kamala Harris ringing people's ears with this seduction.

Kamala: Don’t Say Merry Christmas


The bottom line is that Democrat Kamala is on special assignment to turn America against God and country. She says that we should never say Merry Christmas until we first accommodate the rebel insurgents from the south. This is irrational. We should always say Merry Christmas regardless of the situation. It could only help the situation!


But if we must apply her philosophy, then yes, we should never say Merry Christmas as long as Kamala is running for president. Nor should we say Merry Christmas until abortion and homosexuality are criminalized and until communist freeloaders from the south are 'hurled over the wall' and sent back to Central America. If we do this, then we can say Merry Christmas with a sense of peace, joy, and safety.


With a Trump victory in November, we can joyfully celebrate Christmas this year.




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