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Catholics Who Profess Communism are Apostates


David Martin | The daily Knight

On July 13, 1949, Pope Pius XII issued a decree stating that Catholics who advocate Communism are excommunicated from the Catholic Church. This decree applies today. 1


The decree doesn’t explicitly condemn those who vote for Communists or who support the Communist Party, but excommunicates those who hold to the atheistic doctrines of Communism. The Church judges such persons to be apostates.


The 1949 decree 2 was preceded by a previous Vatican decree published by L'Osservatore Romano on July 15, 1948, which excommunicated those who propagate "the materialistic and anti-Christian teachings of Communism."

Moreover, a later document dated April 4, 1959, from the Holy Office and ratified by Pope John XXIII made the provisions of the July 1949 decree more specific by implying a prohibition on voting for parties who abet Communists.


What shall we say of Pope Francis who openly abets Communists and who has repeatedly said, "It is the Communists who think like Christians?" He praises and surrounds himself with avowed Communists like Cardinal Parolin and has advanced the canonization of Communist "Archbishop" Helder Camara whose priestly ordination was invalid because of his Nazi-Marxist activism.

The China Deal


An example of Francis’ Communist advocacy is his September 2018 deal with China that has placed the Chinese underground Church under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), resulting in a spiked increase of arrests, imprisonments, the closing of churches, the demolishing of Catholic shrines, the forbiddance of religious statues and images — the tyrannizing of God’s people.


Dubbed the Beijing Deal, the agreement recognizes the state-controlled church of China and authorizes the Chinese Communist Party to appoint “bishops” to oversee the true Church there.


According to Pope Pius XII, Francis’ Communist doctrine and sympathies place him outside the Church. And the logic is obvious. The Church holds Communism to be “intrinsically evil.” Marxist Communism is a dark, atheistic force that seeks the downfall of Christianity. It raises the clenched fist against God and moral authority and resorts to murder to attain its goals.

Francis’ Formation is Communist


Francis’ formation in Argentina was entirely Communist. According to the late investigative journalist George Neumayr, Cardinal Bergoglio [Francis] received his political education at the knee of a Paraguayan Communist named Esther Ballestrino, who was his boss at a Buenos Aires laboratory after he had received the equivalent of a high school education in chemistry. Bergoglio had said he “owes” much to that “great woman” and gushed about how she introduced him to Communist periodicals and literature, which at the time were illegal to sell or possess in Argentina. He proudly took credit for hiding her Marxist literature in a Jesuit library when she had to flee from authorities.

When talk-show host Michael Savage called Pope Francis “Lenin’s pope,” Francis took this as a compliment. “I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don’t feel offended,” he told the Italian press.


In February 2024, the news broke that Francis was trying to infect the Church with Communists. On January 11, he hosted a “Marxist-Christian” dialogue group at the Vatican, which included Communist activists and politicians from several European countries. The group is purely Marxist but calls itself “Marxist-Christian” to give itself an air of goodness and democracy. The purpose of the gathering was to advance Marxist doctrine in the Church.

Communism Condemned by the Church

Clearly, Francis falls under the judgment Pope Pius XII’s 1949 decree on Communism. The decree reiterated Canon 2335 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law that imposed the penalty of ipso facto excommunication on Catholics who join the Communists, Freemasons, or any clandestine organization that plots against the Church or civil authority.

The 1983 Code of Canon law supposedly abrogated the 1917 code, but this is dubious seeing that the 1983 code bears the fingerprints of secret society initiates that had a hand in drafting the code to facilitate the influx of Communists and Freemasons into the Church. Canon lawyers might argue that the 1983 code abrogated the 1917 code, but it certainly didn’t abrogate the teachings and laws of God upon which the 1917 code was based. Neither did lift the Church’s condemnation of Communism, nor did it revoke Pius XII’s 1949 decree against Communism. When popes issue decrees in truth and justice a future pope may not contravene them, e.g., Humanae Vitae (July 25, 1968), the Immaculate Conception (December 8, 1854).



1. The decree was published in L'Osservatore Romano on July 16 of that year. 

2. The decree was issued on July 13, 1949, which was the 32nd Anniversary of the Virgin Mary's July apparitions at Fatima when she spoke of the Satanic infiltration of the Church that would occur in the latter part of the century.





1 Comment

Paulo Elliot
Paulo Elliot
Aug 15, 2024

Many are not aware that the Democratic Party was hijacked by the Communists over a century ago. Under the guise of 'helping the common man,' Communists push their agenda under the banner of "Democrat." It's a smokescreen to conceal their totalitarian plan to bring down governments and establish Communistic world control. When the Communist Party came to power in Italy in 1945, they called themselves the "National Democratic Party."

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