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Carmelite Nuns defend the Holy Mass of All Times & Defy the New World Order

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Welcome to our Series on Mass Conversions! In this video we interviewed the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face from Ireland. These faithful Traditional Catholic Carmelite Nuns defend the Holy Mass of All Times & Defy the New World Order, by answering six important questions we asked (see below) to help souls enter into how the Saints LEARNED the Holy Mass, why they LOVED the Holy Mass, and how they LIVED the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! These series on the wonders of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will ultimately draw us to the Truth and mystery of the Holy Mass. Turning back (conversion) to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the salvation to the current crisis of today! Let us start the MASS conversions!!!

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❓ Questions asked in this Interview:

1) Dear Sisters, after these latest new efforts to stop the Holy Mass of All Times, the Traditional Latin Mass, many have come to ask what is that Mass? They have never heard of it before and never been to one. Since the new mass, the Novus Ordo mass as it is called today had been established in the 1960s, many Catholics have grown up in the last 60 years without knowing what happened and what that Mass is. Can you explain to souls what is the Traditional Latin Mass and how you distinguish it from the Novus Ordo?

2) What would you say to souls about the importance of the TLM and why it is that it is under attack? In other words why is it trying to be shut down, restricted by Pope Francis and Bishops throughout the world, especially with the latest moto proprio Traditiones Custodes? (and now the recent dubia!)

3) What is the reality going on and what are we to think of this New Mass - the Novus Ordo? How did this present Crisis in the Church come about?

4) What is the essence and correct understanding of what the Mass really is?

5) What are some recommendations on how to grow in how the saints learned, lived and loved the Holy Mass?

6) What do you encourage souls to do during these times of great confusion and persecution?

💙 We thank the Carmelite Nuns for doing this interview with MassConversions and pray for God to reward them with many graces! We kindly ask the viewers to help support these good nuns as Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has encouraged, ( you can read his letter to the nuns here:

👉Please consider a donation to help the Carmelites build their convent here:

✝ The Mission of Mass Conversions Channel: Now is a time for Mass conversions! What do we mean by a time for Mass Conversions? The first meaning is of a literal sense. All faithful Catholics should have a desire and zeal for the salvation of souls and want MASSive amounts of conversions to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. During our current crisis within the Church, it is not a time of despair and giving up, but a time to turn back with even more love and devotion to that which has saved and sanctified Catholics. And thus, in a second way, it can also be understood as “Mass Conversions” that is, a turning back to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ~ Christ's one perfect redemptive Sacrifice on the Cross. The Mass which is the heart of the Faith ! We need to turn back to it in order to produce saints. Stay tuned to these series on Mass Conversions in which will walk through with the Saints, Doctors, the Sacred Teachings and Doctrines of the Holy Mother Church, looking at how they LEARNED the Holy Mass, why they LOVED the Holy Mass, and how they LIVED the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! These series on the wonders of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will ultimately draw us to the Truth and mystery of the Holy Mass. Turning back (conversion) to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the salvation to the current crisis of today! Let us start the MASS conversions!!! The Cure de Ars said: "If we truly understood the Mass we would die of joy!"

💙💙💙(This project is dedicated to the Immaculata for the revival of the Love of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) #LatinMass #ArchbishopVigano #TraditionalLatinMass



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