By Your Grace ~ Cody Johnson, Country Western Music
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

Those who know me know that I'm a fan of Country Western music; they also know that I'm a traditional Catholic who values Gregorian Chants in Latin. Outside of the hymnals and chants, there are only a few songs, of which I can count on my fingers, that I find spiritually fruitful.
In the past two years, especially since I moved to Texas (and, not far from where he is from), I come to appreciate the music of Cody Johnson. His music reminds me much of the Country Western music that I grew up listening to from the 80's and 90's.
One of his songs, By Your Grace (2021), has a profound spiritual and authentically Catholic message on the redeeming nature of the Sanctifying Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The humility exemplified in the lyrics could be text straight from the works of Saints Paul and Augustine. Unlike most protestant gospel songs, Cody Johnson clearly articulates God's call "to be perfect" as He "is perfect," singing that he has "a long way to go, but Lord, I know there's not a step I'm gonna take when your're not with me." It is through Jesus Christ "the only way [he's] gonna be a better man." Christian Warfare and the path toward sainthood is illustrated in that stanza.
Throughout the song, Cody also references it is "By Your Grace," the Sanctifying Grace of Jesus Christ, that he has "hope,"(add faith and charity and you would have the Theological Virtues of Christianity) faith, charity, and redemption. Replace Grace with Blood, Death, Crucifixion, Passion, or Love, the lyrics bare the same message. Jesus Christ is Lord, God, and the Redeemer of the World.
I'm aware of everything that's wrong with me But still You accept me anyway I live with a past I can't get past and it still haunts me So I'm askin' for the courage to make a change
By Your grace, I have hope You've already paid every debt I owe Please take my chains and make me see That by Your grace, I've been set free
Teach me, Lord, to seek You day by day Let only You define just where I stand Let me not take for granted All the dеpths of Your forgiveness
Becausе the only way I'm gonna be a better man
Is by Your grace, I have hope (I have hope) You've already paid every debt I owe (debt I owe) Please take my chains and make me see
That by Your grace, I've been set free
I've got a long way to go But Lord, I know There's not a step I'm gonna take
When You're not with me
I've got a long way to go But Lord, I know There's not a step I'm gonna take
When You're not with me
I've got a long way to go Oh, but Lord, I know There's not a step I'm gonna take
When You're not with me
You're always with me
And by Your grace (by Your grace)
I have hope (I have blessed hope, yeah)
You've already paid every debt I owe (every debt I owe)
Please take my chains and make me see That by Your grace, I've been set free (been set free) By Your grace, I've been set free (By your grace)
I hope you enjoy the song and appreciate like I have.
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.