Biden Says : ‘The Pope and I Are On The Same Page’ on Israel
The Daily Knight
President Biden has told reporters that he and Pope Francis are “on the same page” regarding the crisis in Gaza.
The Pope spoke with Biden on the telephone on Sunday to discuss the best way to address “the latest developments in Israel and Gaza,” the White House said in a statement.
Breitbart reports: Speaking with journalists Monday, Biden said the pontiff could not have been more supportive of current U.S. policy in the area.
“The pope and I are on the same page. He was very, very interested in what we are doing to deal with some of the crises we are facing, particularly in Israel this time around,” Biden stated.
“I laid out to him what the gameplan was, how we thought we should be providing the kind of assistance to Israel that it needed,” he added, and the pope was “across the board, supportive of what we’re doing.”
In the conversation between the two leaders, Biden “condemned the barbarous attack by Hamas against Israeli civilians and affirmed the need to protect civilians in Gaza,” the White House statement said.
In particular, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has criticized the Vatican’s lukewarm response to the Hamas terror attack in Gaza, calling for an “unequivocal condemnation” of the lethal aggression.
Cohen told the Holy See’s foreign minister, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, that Israel “expects the Vatican to come out with a clear and unequivocal condemnation of the murderous terrorist actions of Hamas terrorists who harmed women, children and the elderly for the sole fact that they are Jews and Israelis.”
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