Biden has Embezzled over $174 Billion to Abet Kremlin Aggression against the U.S.
David Martin | The Daily Knight

A great many believe that Joe Biden is giving $billions to Volodymyr Zelensky to help the afflicted people in Ukraine. Biden indeed has given $billions to Zelensky, $174 billion to be exact, but it never went to helping Ukraine. Our U.S. tax dollars are given to Zelensky to funnel to Putin so they together can forge ahead with their plan to destroy Ukraine, set the trap for WWIII, and provide themselves with regular funding for their war against humanity. Zelensky keeps his cut.
Biden’s stage-act of “assisting Ukrainian aggression” against Russia provides Putin and his allies with a perfect excuse to make nuclear threats against the U.S. This taunting of Putin was carefully premeditated ahead of time; it’s a ruse. Providing Zelensky with US-made missiles to ‘fight Russia’ was deliberately done to “justify” Putin’s aggression against the West. Such aggression can then be used by Biden-Kamala to declare a national emergency for the purpose of halting Trump’s inauguration.
The fact is that Biden and Zelensky work conjointly with Putin under the pretext of being his enemies. Zelensky’s public barking against Putin is only an act. Let us not forget that Putin endorsed both Biden and his protégé Kamala Harris. All three are avowed communists.
People are forgetting, too, that the infamous briber George Soros, mutual friend of Zelensky and Putin, placed Zelensky in power to lead the new shadow government he set up through his International Renaissance Foundation, a globalist NGO that toppled the true Ukrainian government under Petro Poroshenko in 2019. The U.S. government under Biden is now funding this shadow government with our hard-earned $billions, with Soros applauding him on.
The figure of $174 billion is correct. GAO, the U.S. Government Accountability Office officially states on its website:
Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine has caused a devastating loss of life, widespread humanitarian crisis, and other global effects. In response, as of April 2024, Congress has appropriated more than $174 billion to assist Ukraine.
Unfortunately, the money wasn’t allocated to help Ukraine (excepting a few dollars to paint Zelensky up as humanitarian). No doubt there are those in Congress who truly believe the money is being appropriated to help Ukraine but Joe Biden and his deep state coalition know better. Biden and his clique work closely with Soros who is known the world over for funding revolution and crime, the same who provided huge funding for Biden. It was Soros who placed Zelensky in power, whom Biden now colludes with. Many have taken Biden’s deception, bait, line, and sinker.
The True Victims Receive a Slap in the Face from Biden
The tragedy in this, among other things, is that mega $billions are being given to the enemies of democracy while needy hurricane and flood victims at home are being denied government aid.
According to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, the damage estimates from Hurricane Helene are the largest in state history – an estimated $53 billion, which is three times the damage caused by Hurricane Florence in 2018.
A great many who have applied for disaster assistance from the government have been told that funds had run out. Hurricane victims in Swannanoa, North Carolina, told NewsNation’s Brian Entin they’ve lost everything and are “getting no help.”
One woman by the name of Sarah whose family is now living in a trailer, said her family has to pay an additional $130 per month for a portable toilet. She was hoping to receive disaster assistance from the government, only to be told that “funds had run out.”
“We already have it so rough and to not be able to get the financial help that we need, it’s really awful,” she said.
Deplorably, her words to the press reflect what thousands in the stricken areas have said. Where is our government that is supposed to serve the people? Instead, Biden’s socialist government is assisting the enemies of America in cranking up WWIII for our destruction.
Hopefully, we the people under President Trump will quickly fix this problem.
Biden has been colluding with Putin from the beginning and then accusing Trump of this to cover his own collusion.