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Archbishop Viganò Criminalized for Fighting the Crime of Heresy


David Martin | The Daily Knight

On June 20, 2024, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former papal nuncio to the United States announced that he had been summoned to the Vatican to answer to charges of being in schism because he had accused Pope Francis of being a schismatic and heretic.

The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, led by the infamous LGBT advocate Cardinal Victor Fernandez, asked that the prelate present himself for an abbreviated canonical criminal trial accompanied by a legal representative.

Archbishop Viganò refused to attend his ‘schism trial’ on the grounds that he acknowledges neither the authority of Francis nor the perverted dicastery that issued the summons. The Vatican warned that if Viganò failed to appear or to provide a written defense by June 28, he “will be judged in his absence.”


Viganò Defends His Position in Writing


On June 28, the Archbishop issued his J’ACCUSE On The Accusation of Schism wherein he defends his position, saying, “I have decided to make public this declaration of mine, to which I add a denunciation of my accusers.”


Whether or not this satisfies the Roman Sanhedrin remains to be seen.

Viganò opens his statement by quoting the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1979 when he was summoned to the Holy Office to answer for his rejection of Vatican II.  


“When I think that we are in the palace of the Holy Office, which is the exceptional witness of the Tradition and of the defense of the Catholic Faith, I cannot stop myself from thinking that I am at home, and that it is me, whom you call “the traditionalist,” who should judge you.”


Viganò continues:


“I face this trial with the determination that comes from knowing that I have no reason to consider myself separate from communion with the Holy Church and with the Papacy, which I have always served with filial devotion and fidelity…


“The enemies of the Catholic Church fear the power of Grace which works through the Sacraments, and above all the power of the Holy Mass, a terrible katechon which frustrates many of their efforts and wins to God so many souls who would otherwise be damned. And it is precisely this awareness of the power of the supernatural action of the Catholic priesthood in society that lies at the origin of their fierce hostility to Tradition. Satan and his minions know full well what a threat the one true Church poses to their antichristic plan. These subversives – whom the Roman Pontiffs have courageously denounced as enemies of God, the Church, and humanity – are identifiable in the inimica vis, Freemasonry. It has infiltrated the Hierarchy and succeeded in making it lay down the spiritual weapons at its disposal, opening the doors of the Citadel to the enemy in the name of dialogue and universal brotherhood, concepts that are intrinsically Masonic. But the Church, following the example of her Divine Founder, does not dialogue with Satan: She fights him.”

The Church indeed doesn’t dialogue with the devil but stands against him as Christ commands (Eph. 6: 11-16). In holy obedience, Viganò has resolved to stand against the new church of man and to remain loyal to sacred tradition.

The Church vs the Anti-Church

Such fidelity is what the entire body of Catholic bishops should demonstrate. For the Church today is being attacked by a heretical counter-church that was set in motion at Vatican II, fulfilling the prophetic statement of Cardinal Wojtyla (later John Paul II) when he said: “We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the Gospel and the anti-gospel… it is a trial which the entire Church must take up.” (Sept. 1976)

Viganò has taken Wojtyla up on this by refuting the new counter-church with its new gospel. He quotes Galatians 1: 9: “If anyone preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.” 

Teachings of the Counter-Magisterium

A new gospel is what the wide body of world's bishops have administered to the flock since Vatican II. While the following ideas are now taught throughout the universal Church they nonetheless are heretical and exist outside the Church.

· The Mass is simply a memorial

· The Mass is a community meal

· The Mass is an assembly of God’s people

· The Eucharist is blessed bread

· The Charismatic Movement is the work of God

· Communion in the hand is blessed by God

· Lay Eucharistic ministers are sanctioned by God

· Mass in the vernacular is the work of God

· God wants to empower women to help lead the Church

· Christ did not exclusively found the Roman Catholic Church

· Luther was a “witness to the Gospel” who corrected abuses in the Church

· Other religions can provide a means to salvation

· Ecumenism is the work of the Holy Spirit to unite the Church

· The Holy Spirit guided the changes since Vatican II

· The Church should not correct homosexuals but should welcome them


It is precisely because Archbishop Viganò has denounced the errors of the anti-Church along with their key advocate in Rome that he has been labelled a “schismatic,” the irony being that it is those that promote these errors who schismatize themselves.


Travesty of Justice

Needless to say, Rome’s attempt to criminalize Viganò is a travesty of justice because he is being punished for doing good. It can be compared to a good man who sees his neighbor’s house on fire and who risks his life by putting out the fire, even getting burned in the process, after which he is arrested, fined, and jailed for it.

Archbishop Viganò is committed to putting out the fire of sin that presently engulfs the Church and has exposed the key arsonists behind this fire, especially Pope Francis, who has incessantly fanned the fire of revolution for the past eleven years. Since 2013, he hasn’t ceased to fuel the flames of heresy, sacrilege, idolatry and sodomy, so out of duty Viganò has stood against these hellish flames for which he is being criminalized.

Viganò takes his cue from his King, Jesus Christ, who came to earth to put out the fire of sin and to rebuke its originators. He brought down the dew of heaven to douse the flames and rescue the people, for which he was criminalized and murdered. Literally. They killed him because he threatened the fire of iniquity and challenged the judgment of the Pharisees and chief priests who had ignited it.

Under Christ’s direction Viganò has threatened the flames of heresy and sodomy and has challenged the Pharisaic high priests that have used their position to spread this pollution, for which he is being punished. Rome’s judgment against Archbishop Viganò is rendered null because it is grounded in malice as was the Jew’s condemnation of Christ.

We should well consider that it is Francis and his LGBT collaborators who have incurred for themselves the penalty of ipso facto excommunication for the traitorous use of their positions to pollute the Faith and scatter the flock. Let them consider the verdict that awaits all such ministers who abuse their authority to destroy the Church.

“Because being ministers of his kingdom, you have not judged rightly, nor kept the law of justice, nor walked according to the will of God. Horribly and speedily will he appear to you: for a most severe judgment shall be for them that bear rule.” (Wisdom 6: 5,6)



1 Comment

Susan Wanke
Susan Wanke
Jul 17, 2024

As reported by Christine Niles, Vigano acting alone in his formal accusation is not the same as if he would have had at least one confrere. Christine said that the proper protocol is for 'a body/group' of bishops/cardinals to make the official accusation. Therefore, I object to the title/premise of this report. (I do not object to the valid accusations -- but they are not mine to make, either.

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