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Antisemitism is Opposition to Semitism, not Judaism


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Since Vatican II, we have seen an ongoing move in the Church to oppose the conversion of Jews to Christianity, but this works against the best interests of the Semitic people. Robbing Jews of Christ is the very worst form of antisemitism.

Jews sometimes accuse Christians of being antisemitic, but the charge is false because Christians traditionally have always offered to “pray for the conversion of Jews.” If Christians were antisemitic, they would reject Christ on the grounds that he was a Jew. This they have never done.

It was the Pharisees and high priests who were antisemitic by withholding the Kingdom of God from the Semitic people. By stirring up the Jews against Christ they were a detriment to them. The grace and truth of Christ was meant for Jews and all people.

The Term Antisemitic Improperly Used

The term “antisemitic” is a defense mechanism used by modern-day Jews to reference those who oppose modern Judaism or Zionism, but opposing Judaism is not antisemitic no more than opposing the Catholic convictions of Italians is anti-Italian. Opposing the Catholic convictions of Italian people is anti-Catholic just as opposing the Judaic convictions of Semitic people is anti-Judaic.

Modern Judaism is advocated by Semitic people but it is not a Semitic issue. When we speak of Semitism or Antisemitism, we are speaking of a particular race of people peculiar to a certain geographical area of the globe (Israel). We’re speaking of genes and chromosomes, the physical part that God made, we are not speaking of philosophical convictions. Zionism is a secular and political conviction and repudiating it is not “antisemitic.”


Zionism Seeks to Abolish Christianity


Zionism supposedly is the claim that the Jews are entitled to occupy Israel, but it goes far beyond that. Zionism seeks to abolish Christianity and to subdue humanity under a one-world government. The Judaism that Zionists profess is not the Old Testament Judaism and the “Messiah” they await is not the Messiah but the satanic counterfeit known as the Antichrist.  


Zionism works conjointly with Globalism toward the cause of one world control. Schwab, Harari, Soros, Zelensky, the U.N. and non-Jews are all part of this internationalist octopus, sometimes referred to as the Judeo-Masonic synagogue. For obvious reasons this cabal is not connected with the old Mosaic Judaism.

Modern Judaism Rejects the Old Testament


Modern Judaism rejects Christ as the Messiah, thus testifying to its rejection of the Old Testament, since the whole point of the Old Testament was to honor and look forward to the coming of the Messiah. There was nothing in the Old Testament books that said, “Let us kill the Messiah when he comes.”


This was the conviction of the Pharisees and apostate Jews who had left the Jewish religion for the worship of false gods and devils. The Pharisees were no longer of the Jewish Faith, and though they carried on their rebellion in the name of ‘God their Father’ Jesus told them who their father was:


“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him.” (John 8:44)


The True Jews


The true Jews were the Apostles and friends of Christ who walked with him into the New Testament and who honored his Resurrection, but those Jews who rejected the Resurrection were not of God, and therefore not of the Jewish religion. Their identifying themselves with Moses and Abraham was only a pretext.

It was these Jewish apostates that established the Judaism we know today. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states:

"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."


The Talmud


The spoken tradition of the Pharisees was the Oral Torah, which expressed their murmurings against the Christ. The written form of the Pharisaic tradition is the Babylonian Talmud penned by the descendants of the Pharisees, which hurls the most hateful insults against Christ, even condemning him to Hell to boil in his own excrement for proving that he was the Son of God. The Talmud, completed around 400 A.D., is the highest form of Judaism A.D. and forms the foundation of the Mishnah. 1

There are good Jews who reject the Talmud and who identify more with Old Testament teachings, but they should understand that the Judaism of the Old Testament is a dead religion. Judaism does not exist today, and cannot exist, no more than a seed can exist once it becomes a tree. The seed of Judaism grew into Christianity so that what exists today is not Judaism but the legacy of the Pharisees who murdered the Christ. (Mark 15:10)


True Antisemitism


Hence it is not Semitism but Talmudism that is on the chopping block because of its callous position against Christ and against Semitic people. The Jewish synagogue by nature is perhaps the most antisemitic organization on earth since it works against the welfare and salvation of the Semitic peoples by teaching them to grudge against the Christ. 


Many Jews say they are “awaiting the coming of the Messiah," but if they don't recognize the Messiah that their forefathers hung on the cross, they certainly won't recognize Him when He comes again.


What many Jews await is the empowerment of Zionism. Jewish activist and Zionist Barbara Lerner openly promotes the destruction and takeover of Europe by Zionist Jews. Zionists despise their own people. They admit that they collaborated with the Nazis in orchestrating the mass murder of innocent Jews to invoke world sympathy and thus erase suspicions that Zionist Jews seek world control.


The fact is that Zionists are tyrants like the Nazis. Zionists boast that they are “chosen people” just as Hitler and his Nazis boasted that they were the “master race.”


Christ Had no Brothers or Sisters


This arrogance stems from their denial of Christ. Zionists deny that Christ is the Son of God. They say that Mary wasn’t ever Virgin and that Christ had blood brothers from her. Jewish rabbis teach that the Apostles John and James were Christ’s blood brothers.


Christ had no birth brothers or sisters since His Mother had only one Son. The Bible points out that the Apostles each had their own parents. For example, John and James were the sons of Zebedee and his wife Mary Salome, which means they were not the sons of Joseph's wife, Mary. In other words, Jesus had no brothers and sisters from Mary. In the Gospels, "brethren" was simply used to indicate associates or acquaintances, not blood brothers. 


Note too, that in the old Hebrew usage, the word "till" or "until" was used to denote what was done without reference to a future time. For instance, God the Father said to the Son, “Sit thou on my right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.” (Psalms 109:1) That is, sit on my right hand forever. Shall Christ no longer sit at his right hand once his enemies are subdued? Or God tells Jacob, “I am till you grow old.” (Isaias 46:4) That is, I am forever. In Genesis 8:6,7, it says that “Noe sent forth a raven, which went forth, and did not return till the waters were dried up on the earth.” That is, it never returned. 

Likewise, Matthew 1:25 says that Joseph “knew Mary not till she brought forth her firstborn son.” That is, he never knew her carnally, before or after Jesus' birth. The point of this verse is to show how Christ's birth occurred without the aid of man. Also, the word "firstborn" in Hebrew was used to indicate "only begotten." That is, the first and only.


Ignorance of Scripture


The Zionist incomprehension of the Bible stems from their rejection of its Author who penned it through his prophets. They miss the whole point about the establishment of the temple in the last times.  


In the Old Testament prophecies concerning the temple, “Zion” merely prefigured the true Zion to come. Terms like “Mt. Zion,” "My Holy Mountain," "Israel,” “Jerusalem,” My vineyard," etc., were only a figure of the True Temple to come, namely, the Catholic Church. The chosen people of the Old Testament prefigured the chosen people of the New Testament, i.e., the Roman Catholics. The lamb offered in sacrifice under the Law of Moses prefigured the Lamb of God who would undergo and institute His Sacrifice. The waters that miraculously issued from the Rock of Horeb prefigured the pure waters of Christ’s doctrine that would issue from the Rock of Peter (1 Cor. 10:4).

Salvation is of the Jews


Note too, that when Christ told the woman at the well that “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22), he simply meant that all light and grace unto salvation is found only within the fold, which at that time was the Jewish religion under Moses. This too was a figure of how after the Resurrection salvation would be of the Catholics, that all grace and truth would be found only within the fold under Peter. The physical temple would later be erected [St. Peter’s Basilica].


Zionists say they will 2 rebuild the Jewish temple, but this doesn’t mesh with Christ’s warning to Jerusalem: "For the days shall come upon thee, and thy enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and straiten thee on every side, And beat thee flat to the ground, and thy children who are in thee: and they shall not leave in thee a stone upon a stone: because thou hast not known the time of thy visitation." (Luke 19: 43,44)


Time is short and the Day of the Lord approaches, so Jews and all people need to prepare spiritually. There is still time to convert to the Faith, so they have their chance now to recognize the One Messiah of history, Jesus Christ, and to remember his words:

“No man comes to the Father, but by me.“ (John 14: 6)



1. The same is the foundation of modern-day anarchist movements like the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917) that was funded by Talmudist Jacob Schiff of the Rothschilds banking dynasty.


2. The Jews today have many temples and synagogues in Jerusalem and throughout the world, but the temple they plan to rebuild is the main temple or headquarters of Jerusalem. This temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.








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