America Can Defeat Russia through the Power of the Rosary
David Martin | The Daily Knight

During this historic election year Americans are giving thanks for Donald Trump’s presidential victory and for the fighting chance we’ve been given to place America back on its feet that it may again be a sovereign Nation Under God.
But America should equally give thanks for the Power of God that Heaven has placed in our hands wherewith to not only fight but to win this battle for God and country. For we’ve been given the heavenly armor of the Holy Rosary through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. With the Rosary we hold the power of God in our hands, for which reason the late St. Padre Pio called the Rosary “the weapon.”
This should be easy enough to understand. Mary is the one who crushes the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15), and she has come forward in our time to lift up her heel in a final, dramatic move to obliterate the forces of evil from our world. She is gathering up her little armies from throughout the world and is calling upon us to say the Rosary each day that we might share in her power and thus be able to crush Satan from our midst.
Russia’s Threats to Nuke the West
Satan’s agents in the Kremlin are daily making threats to nuke America, but if Americans will take up the Rosary and say it every day in their homes and churches with the specific intention of ridding our nation of abortion and homosexuality, we will gain God’s favor so that there is nothing the enemy can do to us even though they outnumber us 8 to 1 in military strength. With the Rosary said daily with fervor, God will make us victorious over the enemy just as he made the Christians victorious over the Ottoman Turks in 1571 when they heeded the call of St. Pius V to fight the enemy through a militant Rosary crusade. It was an absolute miracle that occurred against all odds, and this was to serve as a lesson for Christians of the last times when the safety of the World would again be threatened by uncircumcised barbarians. If the Rosary worked for Pius V and his army it most certainly will work for God’s armies in these latter days.
On the flip side, if America becomes complacent and makes little effort to cleanse LGBTQ and abortion from our midst, there is no logical reason to think that we will be victorious because God will likely abandon us to captivity as he did to the people of old when they allowed the pollution of sin to defile their nation and their temple. But each time the Hebrews came to their knees and did penance for their offenses, God came to their defense and delivered the enemy into their hands.
Biblical Account of How God Protects His People
The Biblical Book of Judith provides us with a beautiful example of this. Therein we read that Holofernes the general of the army of the Assyrians “was transported with exceeding great fury and indignation” because “the children of Israel prepared themselves to resist [him], and had shut up the ways of the mountains.” (5: 1,2) When he inquired as to why the Israelites had despised him and had not come to meet him with peaceful surrender, Achior captain of the children of Ammon answering, said: “If thou vouch safe, my lord, to hear, I will tell the truth in thy sight concerning this people, that dwelleth in the mountains.” (5:5)
Achior continued:
“When the Egyptians had cast them out from them, and the plague had ceased from them, and they had a mind to take them again, and bring them back to their service, the God of heaven opened the sea to them in their flight, so that the waters were made to stand firm as a wall on either side, and they walked through the bottom of the sea and passed it dry foot.” (5:11,12) …. “As often as beside their own God, they worshipped any other, they were given to spoil, and to the sword, and to reproach” (18) … “but if there be no offense of this people in the sight of their God, we cannot resist them, because their God will defend them: and we shall be a reproach to the whole earth.” (Judith 5:25)
“And it came to pass, when Achior had ceased to speak these words, all the great men of Holofernes were angry, and they had a mind to kill him, saying to each other: Who is this, that says the children of Israel can resist king Nabuchodonosor, and his armies, men unarmed, and without force, and without skill in the art of war?” (Judith 5:26, 27)
We might see Holofernes as a figure of Putin who is likewise transported with great fury when Christians stand in his way of taking over nations. On this Thanksgiving holiday, it appears that the Russians want to gobble up people and nations, so mad is their egoism, the absurdity being that they always play the defensive act. It's no exaggeration to say that the Kremlin's definition of cruelty is any attempt to resist their barbarism. They think they own the earth and that if anyone escapes their grasp it warrants the vengeance that they feel they are 'forced' to take. We were warned of this depraved vengeance over 100 years ago.
Our Lady of Fatima
In 1917, the year of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Holy Virgin warned at Fatima that if Russia wasn’t converted through penance and the Holy Rosary this same Russia would grow into a tyrannical beast that would later emerge and turn on the Christian free world. Our Lady’s prophecy is being fulfilled in our time with the worst yet to come.
The Constructive Purpose of Prophecy
However, it’s important to remember that all prophecy is conditional to man’s response. There is the constructive purpose of prophecy in that if prophetic warnings are heeded to God’s satisfaction these prophecies can be averted or at least be mitigated. We saw this in the time of Jonas the prophet when God commanded him to tell the inhabitants of Ninive that their city would be destroyed in 40 days because of their sins. This immediately prompted the Ninevites to amend their course and to do penance, for which reason God had mercy and spared the people of Ninive (Jonas 3: 4-10).
We today stand in need of God’s mercy. With each passing day people are coming to realize that America is no match for Russia and that to be triumphant we must lean on God and follow Heaven’s directive to say the daily Rosary for peace and security at home. For without a safe and free America there cannot be a safe and free world.
The Urgency of protecting Trump
During this historic crossroads as Trump transitions back to the White House, let us say the Rosary every day, bead to bead, link to link, going throughout our country and the world, and to include in our intentions the safety of President Donald Trump that God will continue to keep him safe from would-be-assassins.
Gratitude for God and Country will Save America
And if we can bring ourselves so far, let us be grateful for the One True Apostolic Faith because when all is said and done the ensuing punishments upon humanity will have come for man’s ingratitude for the One True Church Under Peter given to us by God “with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration.” (James 1: 17) Ungrateful man is always looking for change and novelty, which is why the Church today is steeped in darkness, because of which the world is in darkness fulfilling the words of Our Lady at La Salette: “The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay.” (1846)
On this historic Thanksgiving 2024, let us be grateful for God and country that America may continue to stand as a free and upright Nation Under God.