Alabama to Lower Its Flags and Mourn 61 Million Babies Murdered through Abortion
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight
Today, March 23rd, the Alabama State Senate passed House Joint Resolution 24, recognizing January 22 as the Day of Tears, which is the anniversary of the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade ruling to legalize abortion and the murder of babies in the womb. The resolution calls for private citizens in Alabama to lower their flags on January 22, in mourning for the over 61 million innocents who have been murdered in the United States since 1973.
“HJR 24 is an important step in the mission to change our culture to one that embraces Life. Thank you to the Alabama Legislature for designating a day to remember and mourn those whom we have lost under the guise of ‘choice,” said Anne Fitzgerald, Day of Tears Executive Director.
WHEREAS, on January 22, 1973, a majority of the members of the United States Supreme Court ruled that access to abortion was a right secured by the Constitution; and
WHEREAS, since that fateful day, over 61 million unborn children have perished, amounting to an entire third of Generations X through Alpha; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA, BOTH HOUSES THEREOF CONCURRING, That January 22, 2022, is recognized as the Day of Tears in Alabama, and citizens of Alabama are encouraged to lower their flags to half-staff to mourn the innocents who lost their lives to abortion.
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.