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Adopt a Traditional Catholic Seminarian

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Any effort to help Traditional Catholic Priests today during this great persecution from the deep state and deep Church would be helping spread the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for as St. John Vianney the Curé of Ars said: “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus...O how great is the priest! If he realized what he is he would die… God obeys him: he utters a few words and the Lord descends from Heaven at his voice, to be contained within a small host. Without the Sacrament of Holy Orders, we would not have the Lord."

Why Sponsor a Seminarian?

  1. As the salvation of souls is the highest of all goals you will be directly helping in this effort by sponsoring a priestly vocation to save souls.

  2. Supporting a priestly vocation to the priesthood creates a ripple effect of God’s grace that will continue far beyond the few years of seminary and will Glorify God in the daily offering of the Traditional Mass of All Times, which forms saints.

  3. “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus”, St. John Vianney the Curé of Ars would often say, and thus you would be helping spread the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to souls today. And as the Cure de Ars said further: ““O how great is the priest! If he realized what he is he would die… God obeys him: he utters a few words and the Lord descends from Heaven at his voice, to be contained within a small host. Without the Sacrament of Holy Orders, we would not have the Lord. Who put him there in the tabernacle? The priest. Who welcomed your soul at the beginning of life? The priest. Who feeds your soul and gives it strength for the journey? The priest. Who will prepare it to appear before God, bathing it one last time in the blood of Jesus Christ? The priest—always the priest. And if the soul should happen to die (as a result of sin) who will raise it up, who will restore its calm and peace? Again, the priest. After God, the priest is everything. Only in heaven will he fully realize what he is.

  4. Jesus said: “The Harvest is rich but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers.” You would be helping tremendously the essential extension of the Kingdom of Christ.

  5. You will have a special spiritual connection to your seminarian supporting him by your prayers as well as your generous financial support in these hard times in the Church.

  6. It's a marvelous source of grace for you and your family.

  7. You will be kept in the Divine Office prayers and other sacrifices offered by the Seminarian for your soul or the souls of your family. Upon ordination in thanksgiving for your great help in their vocation to the priesthood, special Masses will be offered by this priest for you and your family.

Why Sponsor a Nigerian Seminarian?

Nigeria is among one of the poorest nations, a single dollar goes a long way in these very oppressed areas.

Currently if you are a Traditional Faithful Catholic, you are being attacked by what Archbishop Vigano calls, the “deep state” and the “deep Church.” His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has wonderfully given his fullest and fatherly Blessing to the Nigerian Mission, read it here. Also see link here and here on the recent hardships facing Traditional Priests in Africa.

What is special about this Seminary is that it is following in footsteps of the St. John Eudes, who was a great missionary that founded a Society for priests called The Society of Jesus and Mary. As Pope Benedict XVI said concerning this great saint and priesthood: “I want to dwell on the apostolic zeal of St John Eudes, which he focused in particular on the formation of the diocesan clergy. The saints are true interpreters of Sacred Scripture. In the experience of their lives the saints have verified the truth of the Gospel; thus, they introduce us into a knowledge and understanding of the Gospel. In 1563 the Council of Trent issued norms for the establishment of diocesan seminaries and for the formation of priests, since the Council was well aware that the whole crisis of the Reformation was also conditioned by the inadequate formation of priests who were not properly prepared for the priesthood either intellectually or spiritually, in their hearts or in their minds. This was in 1563; but since the application and realization of the norms was delayed both in Germany and in France, St John Eudes saw the consequences of this omission. Prompted by a lucid awareness of the grave need for spiritual assistance in which souls lay because of the inadequacy of the majority of the clergy, the Saint, who was a parish priest, founded a congregation specifically dedicated to the formation of priests. He founded his first seminary in the university town of Caen, a particularly appreciated experience which he very soon extended to other dioceses. The path of holiness, which he took himself and proposed to his followers, was founded on steadfast trust in the love that God had revealed to humanity in the priestly Heart of Christ and in the maternal Heart of Mary. In those times of cruelty, of the loss of interiority, he turned to the heart to speak to the heart, a saying of the Psalms very well interpreted by St Augustine. He wanted to recall people, men and women and especially future priests, to the heart by showing them the priestly Heart of Christ and the motherly Heart of Mary. Every priest must be a witness and an apostle of this love for Christ's Heart and Mary's Heart. And here we come to our own time.”

One can watch and see a video here of this amazing mission of the Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in Nigeria:

What is the cost of Sponsorship?

To sponsor a Seminarian for a year in Nigeria is $1,000 dollars and for the complete Six Years of Seminary education it is $6000. In comparison in the US, this cost is much higher. The FSSP says it is about $7,000 per year per seminarian. And the Arlington Catholic Herald reports that for the normal Diocesan priest “the annual cost of a seminarian’s education is approximately $40,000. That includes tuition, room and board, health insurance and books. That equates to an average education per newly ordained priest of nearly $250,000!” Note that the Arlington Diocese produces the most seminarians in the United States.

An individual or a whole family can adopt a seminarian. The soul(s) that adopt them as Spiritual Son will receive the name, bio and picture of the seminarian and will greatly assist in their formation so that they have their basic needs to succeed. After receiving ordination this Seminarian will also offer special Masses to our Sponsors after Ordinations. Communication from the adopted seminarian is optional and could be set up with the sponsor for a phone call, video call or email. Snail mail letters are very difficult to send and receive in Nigeria.

The hardships that these seminarians are currently facing is the lack of a building to call home and enduring all sorts of privations in other basic materials while at the same time they are on fire despite these hardships and persecutions. Thus, your sponsorship will greatly help to alleviate some of these circumstances and provide a way to be in a better state to succeed to priesthood.

Our most pressing needs being the buying and building of the Seminary Project as we currently are renting an apartment while the response to True Tradition is increasing, we need bigger space to take in all the vocations.

We further need to get books especially from Tan Books to equip the Seminary Library as a well-equipped Library. We are currently still printing out some of our needed materials from PDF books we find online. For example, St. John Eudes book on Priesthood we have just recently printed for the seminarians to have for classes.

Truly, most of the Seminarians are from very poor backgrounds and the situation in Nigeria is very unstable economically. God Loves a Cheerful Giver and we are ready to receive any Donations for any of the Projects and Seminarians' Training. The seminarians are on fire for the Love of God and are working hard to prepare themselves to go out into the field to save souls. We may not be well equipped but we have a large heart to know it is time for the Restoration of the two Hearts of Love in the hearts of fallen mankind.

Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria.

Fr. Abah Samuel-Maria.

Meet some of the SSIH Seminarians looking for Sponsorship

The Sons of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts (SSIH):

The Sons of the SSIH is a Traditional Catholic Seminary in Nigeria, dedicated to the restoration of the Tridentine Mass (also known as the Mass of All Times). The seminarians have regular courses powered with retreats, seminars, in the field work, communal-living and prayers. Seminarians have daily attendance of the Mass of All Times, that it, the use of the "traditional" Roman rite (or "Tridentine" or the "rites of St. Pius V") in the form in which it was current in the Latin Church prior to the reform of Vatican II in 1969. The Tridentine Liturgy was Codified after the Council of Trent "for all priests to offer till the end of time.

Now in these times of real difficulty where the Catholic Faith has been put in question as to the Sacrificial Nature of the Mass, the Ministerial Priesthood, and the Real and Enduring Presence of Christ under the Eucharistic Species, and with the recent actions from infiltrators in the Holy Mother Church, this Holy Mass is being unjustly attacked as we can see being done today.

Click on the PDF attaches to see clearer view 👇

How to Sponsor?

Please note, that the sponsorship can be done as an individual, a family or a pious group. Contact Fr. Abah Samuel Maria by emailing him to set up the sponsorship:

Option #1: One year sponsorship, donate $1,000, receive an email with the name, bio and picture from your seminarian. Your name will be written in their Divine Office to be prayed for daily.

Option #2: Full six-year sponsorship, donate $6,000, receive an email with the name, bio and picture from your seminarian. Your name will be written in their Divine Office to be prayed for daily. Seminarian can receive emails for special intentions that you would like for him to add to his Divine Office, Rosaries, Holy Masses and sacrifices. Video call can also be arranged once a year.

Option #3: One year or full six year sponsorship done over a period of time till complete. Example, $83.00 a month etc. Conditions depending on the stated options mentioned above.

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria nunc et semper, alleluia!

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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