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Prayers Answered on Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

Pope Francis (SSPX)

The thousands, perhaps millions, of prayers and Holy Rosaries for the Holy Father were answered this past week, with the release of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation, Querida Amazonia, for the Amazon Synod this past October, 2019, in Rome.

Upon reviewing the exhortation, His Holiness, Pope Francis, doesn't acknowledge the statements included in the Working and Final Documents of the Amazon Synod, where the standards of priestly celibacy and prohibitions of a female deaconate would be relaxed in the Amazonian region. Such language and discussions during the synod, which were highly admonished by excluded Cardinals and Bishops, were seen by many prelates in the German Bishops Conference and secular media as an opportunity to pave the way for married priests and the ordination of women.

Pope Francis was clear in rejecting "reductionism" that "women should be granted a greater status and participation in the Church today only if they were admitted to Holy Orders," warning against “clericalizing” women. He inserts that such a change would undermine the unique and special “contribution” that women currently and have always had in the Church. On the contrary, Pope Francis offers an alternate solution for “the emergence of other forms of service and charisms that are proper to women” and fit to the needs of the Amazon.

Although the "public recognition" and "commission" would be required by local Bishops, such "new forms of service" could be vague enough for liberal prelates to establish female ministry.

While the exhortation doesn't support the idea of ordaining married priests, Pope Francis doesn't clearly refute the statements made in the Working and Final documents of the Amazon Synod on the 'Viri Probati.' Like many situations during this pontificate, the ambiguity on Church teachings has created confusion for faithful Catholics and opportunities for modernists to interject error and spread deceptive ideas like liberation theology and secular political agendas on socialism, gender ideology, immigration, and climate change.

The apostolic exhortation on the Amazon Synod is a small victory on the battlefield against modernism and to restore Holy Mother Church; however, there remains several concerns with the document, as illustrated by LifeSiteNews:

  • He advocates an “inculturated liturgy” incorporating Amazonian dance and rituals, and mentions in a footnote the idea of establishing an Amazonian liturgical rite.

  • He recommends granting lay people formal authority of Amazonian parishes, and mentions their ability to “celebrate certain sacraments” (excluding specifically the Eucharist and Confession).

  • He says women should be given formal positions in the community that include a “commission from the bishop”.

  • He applies the Amoris Laetitia approach to sacraments in the Amazon context, saying there is no “room … for a discipline that excludes and turns people away.”

  • And he seems to defend the veneration of the Pachamama statue at the Synod.

As expressed by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and recent prelates like Bishop Athanasius Schneider, it is the laity's duty to defend the Faith and correct error in the Church. It is not disobedient to admonish priests and Church Fathers, including His Holiness, for their error, either purposely to deceive or out of ignorance, as long as such corrections are made out of love and respect.

For a complete translation of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Querida Amazonia.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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