St. Titus, BpC - February 6th

St. Titus of Crete (Cassman Catechism)
"O God, Who didst adorn blessed Titus, Thy Confessor and Bishop, with apostolic virtues: grant by his merits and intercession that a life of duty and justice here below may win for us our heavenly home. Through our Lord." - Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962
St.Titus, bishop of Crete, had the privilege of being associated with the disciples of the Doctor of the Gentiles. He was so particularly dear to Paul for his zeal in preaching the Gospel and for his faithfulness that, when Paul had gone to Troas for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, he declared that his spirit had no rest because he had not found his brother Titus there. And a little later, on his way to Macedonia, he confirmed his love for Titus by writing, “But God, who comforts the humble, comforted us by the arrival of Titus.” The Apostle sent him to Corinth, and he carried out with great wisdom his commission there, which was particularly for the purpose of collecting alms to aid the needy Church of the Hebrews. In the meantime, to spread the seed of the divine word among peoples of different places and languages, after many journeys and toils under Paul’s leadership, he reached the island of Crete. Later, when he was made bishop of this Church by the Apostle himself, he gave an example of good works. It is said that he went to Dalmatia and made great efforts there to unfurl the standard of the Cross. At length full of merits, he died in the Lord at the age of ninety-four years. - 1960 Roman Breviary
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.