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Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

St. Charles Borromeo, BpC - November 4th

Ever Keep Thy Church, O Lord, we beseech Thee, under the abiding protection of St. Charles, Thy Confessor and Bishop: that as his watchful care over his flock won him glory, so his intercession may always make us fervent in Thy love. Through our Lord. - Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962

“St. Charles Borromeo was born at Milan the noble Borromeo family. Before he was twenty-three his uncle, Pius IV, made him a meber of the sacred college of cardinals. Soon the same pope made him archbishop of Milan. In office he applied himself particularly to the task of conforming the church entrusted to him to the decrees of the holy council of Trent. It was largely through his efforts that the council’s work had just been completed. When plague was raging at Milan, he gave even the furnishings of his house to provide for the needy, and he constantly visited the dying, consoling them in a wonderful way and giving them the sacraments of the Church with his own hands. He was a most zealous fighter for the freedom of the Church, and he wrote much that is useful particularly for the instruction of bishops; a catechism for parish priests also produced by his efforts, He died at Milan on November 3 in the forty-seventh year of his age. Famous for miracles, he was enrolled among the Saints by Paul V.” 1960 Roman Breviary

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus. Amen.

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