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Defeat Modernism in the Domestic Church (The Family)
"How happy good [fathers] will be when they go before God's judgement seat and are able to say 'Those whom Thou hast given me I have guarded' (John 17:12)." - My Catholic Faith, 1954

A Father's Promises to His Children Yet to be Born
The Daily Knight Tomorrow I am to be married. Holy Matrimony is the Sacrament by which God raises up children to His greater glory on...

Catholic Fatherhood: Homeschooling
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight (photo credit:homeschool-child-budget-1068x713.jpg (1068×713) ( Homeschooling The...

Catholic Fatherhood: Patriotism Through Family
Justin Haggerty: The Daily Knight (Photo Credit: Catholic Fatherhood: Patriotism through Family “people who are not...

Catholic Fatherhood: Raise Confessors and Doctors of the Church
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021 as the 'Year of St. Joseph,' The Daily Knight will...

Catholic Fatherhood: Time Management and Responsibilities
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Duty to Procreate Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: Make Your Home a Temple for the Lord
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Duty to Procreate Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: Love Your Wife- Queen of the Home
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Duty to Procreate Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: Build a Catholic Nation
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight (photo credit: Vosona) RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Duty to Procreate Inspired by Pope...

Catholic Fatherhood: Male Modesty
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Duty to Procreate Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: Duty to Procreate
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Raise Your Children To Be Saints Inspired by Pope Francis'...

Catholic Fatherhood: Raise Your Children To Be Saints
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Fathers Lead Families to Christ Inspired by Pope Francis'...

Catholic Fatherhood: The Urgent Need for Paternity
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Fathers Lead Families to Christ Inspired by Pope Francis'...

Catholic Fatherhood: Fathers Lead Families to Christ
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Head of the Family Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: Sacrifice
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Head of the Family Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: Head of the Family
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Vocation from God Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021...

Catholic Fatherhood: St. Joseph
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight RELATED ARTICLE: Catholic Fatherhood: Defend the Domestic Church Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration...

Catholic Fatherhood: Vocation from God
Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight Inspired by Pope Francis' declaration of 2021 as the 'Year of St. Joseph,' The Daily Knight will...
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